DataMelt showcase

These images are created using example code written in Python/Jython, Java, Groovy. JRuby, BeanShell languages on the Java platform. Guests can view examples with the Free license. Full members can view the code examples with the Pro license after login to the Member page. Use the DataMelt example database for code examples organized by topics. Example input files are located in the data repository. The examples are protected by the DMelt examples license agreement.

Guest access

DMelt example: Making ProMC single-particle gun for HEP
Making ProMC single-particle gun for HEP

Jython code Jython code (Free license)


DMelt example: Jet production at LHC using antiKT jets
Jet production at LHC using antiKT jets

Jython code Jython code (Free license)


DMelt example: Show ROOT histograms using different styles
Show ROOT histograms using different styles

Jython code Jython code (Free license)


DMelt example: Running scripts created by the Durham HepData
Running scripts created by the Durham HepData

Jython code Jython code (Free license)


DMelt example: JFreeChart shows a function
JFreeChart shows a function

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Function, histogram and 3D points using jzy3/jogl
Function, histogram and 3D points using jzy3/jogl

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example:  HPlotXYZ shows  function and points in 3D
HPlotXYZ shows function and points in 3D

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Using Processing to show 3D objects / OpenGL
Using Processing to show 3D objects / OpenGL

Java code Java code (Pro license)


DMelt example: 100K data points in 3D using interactive canvas
100K data points in 3D using interactive canvas

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Two functions in 3D with the colorbar
Two functions in 3D with the colorbar

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Showing data points in 3D using animation
Showing data points in 3D using animation

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Geometrical shapes using 3D canvases and OpenGL
Geometrical shapes using 3D canvases and OpenGL

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Create 3D animated canvases with function + data
Create 3D animated canvases with function + data

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Function in 3D with mesh contour lines
Function in 3D with mesh contour lines

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


DMelt example: Function in 3D with colored contour areas
Function in 3D with colored contour areas

Jython code Jython code (Pro license)


Protected by the DMelt license agreement