Id | Output | Code | License | Description |
1 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Charts based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
2 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Charts based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
3 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Two charts based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
4 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Four charts based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
5 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Two charts with bars based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
6 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Show GDP / capita from CVS file using WorldBank data(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
7 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Pie charts based on the HChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
8 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Pie chart using Waterloo scientific library(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
9 | GroovyView Code(View Output) | Free license | A pie chart using jFreeChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
10 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | A pie chart using jFreeChart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
11 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Charts using polar coordinates(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
12 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Histogram of X-Y points with error bars(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
13 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Create a plot canvas with a GUI control panel(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
14 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Show Java memory usage in Jas plotter(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
15 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Histogram of X-Y points using Waterloo scientific library(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
16 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HKey key shown on HPlot(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
17 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Multiple objects and manually setting interactive keys with HKey(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
18 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HPlot shows verious axes styles(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
19 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HPlotJa shows several histograms in two pads(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
20 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HPlotJa shows data points with errors(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
21 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Shows a pad inside the other using HPlotJa(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
22 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HPlotXY canvas for histograms and X-Y data(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
23 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | HPlotXY canvas for analytic functions(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
24 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Showing histograms and array in JAS plotter, then do a fit in 2D(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
25 | Ruby/JRubyView Code(View Output) | Free license | Histogram in HPlot using jruby(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
26 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | H2D histogram shown as a 3D lego plot(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
27 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Plotting X-Y using Waterloo scientific library(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
28 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Plotting X-Y in polar coordinates(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
29 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Plotting X-Y using polar coordinates(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
30 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | H1D histogram on SHPlot canvas (a singleton).(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
31 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Data points using SPlot(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
32 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of a plot using Jaida(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
33 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage (II).(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
34 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage (II) with custom titles.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
35 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlotXY usage. Changing layout of axis.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
36 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlotXY usage. Changing layout of axis.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
37 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of jplot2d usage. Complex layout, subplots, log scale(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
38 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlotXY usage. Show X-Y symbols(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
39 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlotXY usage. Show X-Y symbols(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
40 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Show data and export to an image(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
41 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Fast pan of canvas.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
42 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Fast update of canvas.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
43 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Fill container.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
44 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Free layout of canvas.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
45 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Using a grid layout.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
46 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Fill a histogram.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
47 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Show an image(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
48 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of JPlot2D usage. Overlay layout.(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
49 | Octave/MatlabView Code(View Output) | Free license | Parametric function in 2D using Matlab/Octave(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
50 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Show CandlestickChart using jfreechart(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
51 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Style for 2D. Plain article style (BG color)(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
52 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Article style (BG) with logo and highlighted region(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
53 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Style with log scales(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
54 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Presentation style for 2D plots (colors)(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
55 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | A better article style (BG) with antialias(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
56 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Presentation style with logo and LaTeX equation(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
57 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Two plot regions with article style (BG) and antialias(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
58 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Presentation style with many colors and insert image(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
59 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | A fancy article style (BG) for 2D plots(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
60 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Article style (BG) with log scale(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
61 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Article style with custom tick labels(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
62 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Article style (BG) with 3 plots(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
63 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Article style (BG) with an insert plot(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
64 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Annotations on 2D canvaces. Show a LaTeX equation(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
65 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | JFreeChart shows a function(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
66 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Shwoing X-Y data on 4 canvas regions(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
67 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Show ticks and custom labels with annotations(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
68 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Using JNumeric to create arrays and plot X-Y value(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
69 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Filled areas and points using the Gral library(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
70 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Free license | Bar plot using the Gral library(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
71 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Complex plot with lines and symbols(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
72 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Shwoing two plots on one canvas(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
73 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Visualisation of 2D data using VisAd(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
74 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Free license | Shows X-Y data points with error bards using GROOT(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
75 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Free license | Showing multiple gaussian histograms with GROOT(Topic: Plots/2D) | |
76 |