Documentation of 'jhplot.SHPlot3D' Java class.

Class SHPlot3D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.awt.event.ComponentListener,, java.util.EventListener

    public class SHPlot3D
    extends HPlot3D
    A class to create a 3D canvas to display H2D and F2D objects. Unlike HPlot3D, it creates a singleton, i.e only one instance is allowed
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getCanvas

        public static SHPlot3D getCanvas(java.lang.String title,
                                         int xsize,
                                         int ysize,
                                         int n1,
                                         int n2)
        Create HPlot3D canvas with several plots. If canvas exits, it will be cleared.
        title - Title
        xsize - size in x direction
        ysize - size in y direction
        n1 - number of plots/graphs in x
        n2 - number of plots/graphs in y
      • getCanvas

        public static SHPlot3D getCanvas(java.lang.String title,
                                         int xsize,
                                         int ysize)
        Construct a HPlot3D canvas with a single plot. If canvas exits, it will be cleared.
        title - Title for the canvas
        xs - size in x
        ys - size in y
      • getCanvas

        public static SHPlot3D getCanvas(java.lang.String title)
        Construct a HPlot3D canvas with a plot with the default size 600x400. If canvas exits, it will be cleared.
        title - Title
      • getCanvas

        public static SHPlot3D getCanvas()
        Construct a HPlot3D canvas with a plot with the default size 600x400. If canvas exits, it will be cleared.
      • reloadCanvas

        public static void reloadCanvas()
        Reload the canvas by removing components
      • doc

        public void doc()
        Show online documentation.
        doc in class HPlot3D

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