Found in titles:

  1. Python Python: string [100%] (library)
  2. Python Python: string [100%] (c-api)
  3. DataMelt DMelt: h.path [61%] (Java API)
  4. Python Python: os.path [61%] (library)
  5. HandWikiWiki: Tutorial:Jython/5.String.processing [50%] (in title)
  6. HandWikiWiki: Tutorial:JMathLab/5.String.Manipulations [50%] (in title)
  7. DataMelt DMelt: hep.aida.ITupleColumn.String [50%] (Java API)
  8. DataMelt DMelt: org.mapdb.Atomic.String [50%] (Java API)
  9. Java JDK JDK15: java.lang.String [50%] (java.base)
  10. Java JDK JDK15: javax.print.DocFlavor.STRING [50%] (java.desktop)
  11. Groovy Groovy: [50%] (Groovy API)
  12. DataMelt DMelt: visad.install.Path [49%] (Java API)
  13. DataMelt DMelt: weka.core.PropertyPath.Path [49%] (Java API)
  14. Java JDK JDK15: java.nio.file.Path [49%] (java.base)
  15. DataMelt DMelt: cc.mallet.util.CommandOption.String [43%] (Java API)
  16. DataMelt DMelt: net.sourceforge.plantuml.golem.Path [43%] (Java API)
  17. DataMelt DMelt: net.sourceforge.plantuml.posimo.Path [43%] (Java API)
  18. DataMelt DMelt: org.jquantlib.methods.montecarlo.Path [43%] (Java API)
  19. Groovy Groovy: [43%] (Groovy API)
  20. DataMelt DMelt: net.sourceforge.plantuml.geom.kinetic.Path [36%] (Java API)
  21. DataMelt DMelt: org.apache.poi.xslf.model.geom.Path [36%] (Java API)
  22. Java Java Example: [31%] Create YAML string with serialization of java map
  23. Jython Jython Example: [30%] Finding shortest path in a graph
  24. Jython Jython Example: [30%] Find shortest path in a graph
  25. Jython Jython Example: [25%] Creating EPS image from a string using PlantUML and Java API
  26. Jython Jython Example: [25%] Encrypy and decrypt a string using a key (using the base64 m
  27. Jython Jython Example: [24%] Find a shortest path is a weighted graph using several methods
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