Id | Output | Code | License | Description |
1 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian network for rain predictions(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
2 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropagation neural net (1): Create input data(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
3 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropagation neural net (2): Create a neural network(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
4 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropagation neural net (3): Read data and train it(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
5 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Simple backpropagation neural net(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
6 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Multi-Layer Perceptron for the XOR problem using Neuroph (Java)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
7 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Multi-Layer Perceptron for the XOR problem using Neuroph (Jython)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
8 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Multi Layer Perceptron network using Resilient Propagation(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
9 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropagation neural net (all steps). Create data and train.(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
10 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian networks using Encog Java(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
11 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian networks using Encog Java(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
12 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian network using Encog Java and simpel logic(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
13 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian networks using Encog Java and simple logic(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
14 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Back-Propagation Neural Network implemented in Python(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
15 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Build a bayesian Self-Organizing Map. Example I(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
16 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Build a bayesian Self-Organizing Map. Example II(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
17 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Read a CSV file and do beckpropogation with encog(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
18 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Read a CSV file and do backpropogation with Encog(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
19 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Read a CSV file and do backpropogation with Encog, and then analyse it(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
20 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropogation and predictions with Encog(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
21 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian networks as GUI(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
22 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian network using jayes Java library(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
23 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian network using using the Jayes library(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
24 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Bayesian network using using the Jayes library(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
25 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Example of Kohonen Feature Map (selforganizing Map, SOM)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
26 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Kohonen Feature Map in 2D (SOM)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
27 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Kohonen Feature Map in 3D (SOM)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
28 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Kohonen Feature Map in N dimension (SOM)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
29 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Self-Organizing Maps in Python(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
30 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropagation neural net using text as input and output(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
31 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | making a workbench(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
32 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Backpropogation neural network training/analysis(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
33 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Joone. Training NeuralNet using complex input data on wine production (I). (Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
34 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Joone. Forecast wine production using saved trained Neural Net (II).(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
35 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Neural network using Joone for solving XOR problem(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
36 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Demonstrate Neural Network using Joone with InMemory arrays(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
37 | JavaView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Neural Network with Joone for TimeSeries forecasting(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
38 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Building a neural net in memory for XOR problem using Joone(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
39 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Training and veryfing a neural net using Joone(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
40 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Forecasting time series using Joone neural network(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
41 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
42 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) for text(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
43 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM) example(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
44 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Complex neural net with many layers using Smile(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
45 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Convolutional neural network for 28x28 px and its prediction(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
46 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Free license | Identify images with faces using convolutional NN (CNN)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
47 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Convolutional NN (CNN) for MNIST database of handwritten digits(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) | |
48 | Jython/PythonView Code(View Output) | Pro license | Identify 8 types of PGM images using convolutional NN (CNN)(Topic: Artificial Intelligence/neural net) |