Documentation of 'jhplot.jadraw.JaKey' Java class.

Class JaKey

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JaKey
    extends JaObject
    Defines a key with the text
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • JaKey

        public JaKey()
        Constructor: sets the width, height, relative width and height to a default value of 2.
      • JaKey

        public JaKey(int key,
                     java.lang.String text,
                     double x1,
                     double y1,
                     java.lang.String what)
        Build a line
        key - key identification (1-12, 20, 21, 22)
        text - text string
        x1 - starting x
        y1 - starting y
        what - if "NDC", coordinate in NDC (from 0 to 1), if "USER" coordinates are in the user system given by the axes.
    • Method Detail

      • setType

        public void setType(int type)
        Set type of this object
        type - type
      • getType

        public int getType()
        Get type of this object
      • setPadX

        public void setPadX(int pad)
        Set pad ID in X
        pad - pad id
      • getPadX

        public int getPadX()
        Get pad ID in X
        pad ID
      • setPadY

        public void setPadY(int pad)
        Set pad ID in Y
        pad - pad id
      • getPadY

        public int getPadY()
        Get pad ID in Y
        pad ID
      • getFont

        public final java.awt.Font getFont()
        Returns the textFont property of this text object.
        The textFont property of this text object.
      • getKey

        public final int getKey()
        Get current key symbol.
      • setKey

        public final void setKey(int key)
        Set the key symbol (1-12, 20,21,22)
        key - key symbol
      • getKeySpace

        public final double getKeySpace()
        Get space between a text and the key
        space in NDC coordinate system
      • setKeySpace

        public final void setKeySpace(double space)
        Set a space between a key and a text
        space - space between key and the text in NDC
      • getKeyColor

        public final java.awt.Color getKeyColor()
        Get key color
        key color
      • setKeyColor

        public final void setKeyColor(java.awt.Color color)
        Set the key color
        color - key color
      • getPenWidth

        public float getPenWidth()
        Get pen width used to draw the key
        pen width
      • setPenWidth

        public void setPenWidth(float penwidth)
        Set a pen width used to draw the key
        penwidth -
      • setFont

        public final void setFont(java.awt.Font font)
        Sets the textFont property of this text object.
        font - The textFont property of this text object.
      • getRotAngle

        public final int getRotAngle()
        Returns the rotAngle property of this text object.
        The rotAngle property of this text object.
      • setRotAngle

        public final void setRotAngle(int angle)
        Sets the rotAngle property of this text object.
        angle - The rotAngle property of this text object.
      • getText

        public final java.lang.String getText()
        Returns the textString property of this text object.
        The textString property of this text object.
      • setText

        public final void setText(java.lang.String string)
        Sets the textString property of this text object.
        string - The textString property of this text object.
      • copy

        public final JaObject copy()
        Returns an exact copy of this label.
        Specified by:
        copy in class JaObject
        A copy of this label.
      • isCopy

        public final boolean isCopy(JaObject comp)
        Returns true if all serializable variables of this JaObject and those of the specified one are equal.
        Specified by:
        isCopy in class JaObject
        comp - A JaObject to compare with.
        True if the objects are equal, false otherwise.
      • getGrabbedHandle

        public final int getGrabbedHandle(int clickX,
                                          int clickY,
                                          int editmode)
        Determines where on this JaObject a mouse click has ocurred.
        Specified by:
        getGrabbedHandle in class JaObject
        clickX - The x position of the point where the mouse click ocurred.
        clickY - The y position of the point where the mouse click ocurred.
        editmode - The current edit mode as defined in JaxoMainPanel.
        An integer specifying whether the click ocurred on one of the handles and if yes, on which.
      • jaxoDraw

        public final void jaxoDraw(org.freehep.graphics2d.VectorGraphics g2,
                                   boolean drawToScreen)
        The method that draws this label.
        Specified by:
        jaxoDraw in class JaObject
        drawToScreen - Indicates whether the drawing happens on the screen, or elsewhere (eg, a file or a printer)
        g2 - The graphics context where the label has to be drawn.
      • drawHandles

        public final void drawHandles(org.freehep.graphics2d.VectorGraphics g2)
        Draws the handles of this text object.
        Specified by:
        drawHandles in class JaObject
        g2 - The current graphics context.
      • latexCommand

        public final java.lang.String latexCommand(float scale,
                                                   java.awt.Dimension canvasDim)
        The LaTeX command that is necessary to draw the given label using the axodraw.sty package. This is not used for label.
        Specified by:
        latexCommand in class JaObject
        scale - A scale factor to translate Java coordinates to LaTeX coordinates.
        canvasDim - The current dimension of the canvas.
        A string that appears as a comment in the Latex file, indicating that there is a postscript text here.
      • rescaleObject

        public final void rescaleObject(int orx,
                                        int ory,
                                        float scale)
        Rescales this label by the scale factor scale, keeping the point (orx, ory) fixed.
        Specified by:
        rescaleObject in class JaObject
        orx - The x-coordinate of the fixed point
        ory - The y-coordinate of the fixed point
        scale - The scale parameter
      • latexWidth

        public final java.lang.String latexWidth()
        Returns the line width of this label. This is not used for label.
        Specified by:
        latexWidth in class JaObject
        Returns "%", corresponding to an empty comment line in LaTeX.
      • editPanel

        public final boolean editPanel()
        Brings up the edit panel that allows to change the parameters of this object.
        Specified by:
        editPanel in class JaObject
        True if the editing actually changed the object, false if the object has not been changed.
      • setAvailableFonts

        public final void setAvailableFonts(java.lang.String[] fonts)
        Sets the string array of available fonts.
        fonts - The string array of available fonts.
      • print

        public final void print()

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