CFBook package

CFBook is a C++/FORTRAN library providing histogram booking and related facilities. 1D and 2D Histograms can be booked and filled in either C++ or FORTRAN programs. The uniform XML output with histograms can be read by DataMelt.

Download CFBook.tgz

CFBook is distributed under the GNU. This distribution contains the code required to build the 2 libraries: cbook (to be linked with C++ code) and fbook (to be linked with FORTRAN), as well as a few example programs.

Compile the C++ library from the cmd_CBook directory (type make)
Compile the FORTRAN library from the cmd_FBook directory (type make)

Compile and run examples in the directories: doc/CBook (for C++ programs) or doc/FBook (for FORTRAN programs)

The examples will produce XML output files with histograms: cpp.xml (filled by C++ example) and fortran.xml (filled by fortran example). Plot histograms using

CFBook is based on HCL package (G.Barrand, OpenScientist package) and GBook package (T.Sjostrand and M.Seymour)

DataMelt project (S.Chekanov)