1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? office 1 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the hallway east of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the office north of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the bedroom? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bathroom 1 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is the office east of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom south of? hallway 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? office 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the bathroom west of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden west of? hallway 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? office 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 1 1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the kitchen? office 1 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the office south of? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? bedroom 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the office south of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? garden 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the office. 3 What is the office east of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 2 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? bedroom 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The garden is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the bedroom? garden 1 1 The office is west of the bathroom. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? office 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 2 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? garden 1 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office east of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 2 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? garden 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the office. 3 What is the garden north of? office 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is west of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? hallway 2 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? bathroom 2 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is south of the garden? office 1 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? office 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? office 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? bedroom 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? bedroom 2 1 The garden is west of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? office 2 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden south of? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden south of? office 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 2 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? office 1 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is south of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? garden 1 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 2 1 The office is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is south of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The garden is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? office 2 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? office 2 1 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? garden 2 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bathroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the hallway north of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office south of? garden 1 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? kitchen 2 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the garden? office 1 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? office 2 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? office 2 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the office? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the kitchen south of? office 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? office 2 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 2 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the hallway north of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? office 2 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? office 2 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? garden 1 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the bedroom west of? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? office 2 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The garden is west of the hallway. 3 What is the office east of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? garden 2 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The garden is west of the office. 3 What is the office east of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The garden is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the garden? hallway 1 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? garden 1 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the office north of? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the office east of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the office? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? garden 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? hallway 2 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 2 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the office east of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the office west of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? office 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is south of the bedroom? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is north of the office? hallway 2 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? office 2 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? office 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the office? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bathroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? garden 2 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden west of? kitchen 1 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 2 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? office 2 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The office is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is the garden east of? office 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is north of the office? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? office 2 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? office 2 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? office 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? garden 2 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? garden 2 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? office 2 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is east of the garden? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? office 2 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is north of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? hallway 2 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the kitchen east of? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the hallway west of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? office 2 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the office? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The bedroom is north of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? garden 2 1 The office is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? office 1 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? hallway 2 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? office 2 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bathroom 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is the garden south of? hallway 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? garden 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bathroom north of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 2 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? garden 2 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? kitchen 2 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom east of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the hallway west of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? office 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the kitchen? office 1 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? office 1 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The hallway is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the office? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom north of? hallway 1 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 2 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the office? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden east of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? office 2 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? office 1 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the office south of? garden 1 1 The office is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is the hallway west of? office 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the garden. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is the office east of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the office west of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? hallway 2 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? bedroom 2 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The office is west of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is the bedroom east of? office 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the office east of? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? office 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is the office east of? kitchen 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the hallway east of? office 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? office 2 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the office west of? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the office? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the office? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? kitchen 1 1 The office is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? kitchen 1 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? office 2 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? hallway 2 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? garden 2 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? office 2 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 2 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? garden 1 1 The office is west of the garden. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? office 1 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is the hallway east of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is the kitchen east of? office 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the office north of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the office? garden 1 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? garden 2 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the hallway? office 1 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? office 2 1 The office is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 2 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? office 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom west of? garden 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The office is south of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 2 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the kitchen north of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? office 2 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the office? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office east of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The garden is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? office 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the bedroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom north of? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the hallway south of? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? garden 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bathroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is north of the garden. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden south of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the bathroom. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the office? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the office? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The office is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden east of? office 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the garden west of? hallway 1 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? garden 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? kitchen 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? garden 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The garden is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? garden 2 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? office 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The office is west of the garden. 3 What is the hallway east of? garden 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 1 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 2 1 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? garden 2 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is the hallway north of? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the hallway east of? office 1 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? hallway 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? garden 1 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? bathroom 2 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? office 1 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? office 1 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The garden is west of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The office is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? garden 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? garden 1 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? garden 2 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 2 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 1 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 2 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is north of the office? kitchen 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the garden west of? office 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is the office south of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bedroom 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the office? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The garden is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? garden 2 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the garden south of? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? garden 1 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the garden? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is east of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? hallway 2 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? garden 1 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is north of the office? garden 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The garden is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the garden. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? office 2 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? hallway 2 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom west of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? office 2 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is south of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The office is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the garden? office 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 2 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom north of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? office 2 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? office 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? office 1 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 2 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom east of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? garden 2 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the office? bathroom 2 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the office? bathroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the office? hallway 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? hallway 2 1 The hallway is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The garden is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is the office west of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is the office east of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the office south of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? office 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? hallway 2 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the hallway north of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? office 2 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the office east of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen north of? hallway 1 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is north of the bedroom? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? office 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? hallway 1 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? garden 2 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? office 2 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bathroom 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? office 2 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 1 1 The office is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? office 2 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? hallway 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 2 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden east of? kitchen 1 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the bathroom? office 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the kitchen east of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 2 1 The bathroom is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? garden 2 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? hallway 2 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The bedroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The garden is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? bedroom 2 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is north of the office. 2 The hallway is south of the office. 3 What is north of the office? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom north of? bedroom 2 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? office 1 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? garden 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the office? garden 1 1 The office is south of the hallway. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is south of the hallway? office 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the hallway north of? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is south of the office? garden 2 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? hallway 2 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? office 2 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the office? garden 1 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bathroom is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? office 2 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? bedroom 2 1 The office is east of the bathroom. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? garden 2 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is north of the garden. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? office 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? garden 1 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway south of? office 1 1 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the hallway south of? bathroom 1 1 The office is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 2 1 The office is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? office 2 1 The bedroom is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? garden 2 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the office. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 2 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden north of? kitchen 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The garden is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? garden 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden west of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The office is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is west of the kitchen? office 1 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bathroom is east of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? garden 1 1 The office is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is south of the garden? hallway 1 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The garden is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? office 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is south of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the garden north of? kitchen 1 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? bedroom 2 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bathroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 2 1 The office is north of the bathroom. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom south of? office 1 1 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The garden is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden east of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom north of? office 1 1 The hallway is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is north of the office? bathroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? garden 2 1 The bedroom is east of the garden. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the garden? bedroom 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bathroom 2 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? garden 1 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is the office north of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The garden is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen east of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the hallway? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is the bedroom south of? hallway 1 1 The garden is north of the hallway. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? office 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? office 2 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is east of the office. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 1 1 The office is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? office 1 1 The kitchen is west of the office. 2 The kitchen is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen north of? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is east of the hallway? garden 1 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is north of the office. 2 The bedroom is south of the garden. 3 What is north of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? bedroom 2 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is the garden east of? bedroom 2 1 The garden is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the garden. 3 What is the hallway west of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the office. 3 What is south of the bathroom? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is the garden south of? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? office 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 1 1 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? office 2 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the bedroom west of? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 2 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is north of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 3 What is north of the hallway? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is south of the hallway. 2 The garden is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? bedroom 1 1 The office is east of the garden. 2 The bedroom is west of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? office 1 1 The kitchen is south of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is north of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is east of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is south of the garden. 2 The kitchen is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The garden is north of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen south of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The garden is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? garden 2 1 The garden is south of the hallway. 2 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the hallway? garden 1 1 The office is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the bedroom west of? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? hallway 1 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the office. 3 What is the bedroom north of? garden 1 1 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 2 The office is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway north of? office 2 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is south of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? hallway 1 1 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the office. 3 What is south of the bedroom? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the office? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom east of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is south of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The bathroom is south of the office. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? bathroom 2 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The garden is west of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? garden 1 1 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 3 What is west of the kitchen? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is west of the office. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is the office east of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The garden is south of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the garden? bathroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the garden. 3 What is south of the garden? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the garden. 2 The garden is north of the bathroom. 3 What is the garden south of? office 1 1 The hallway is north of the office. 2 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the office? hallway 1 1 The kitchen is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the garden? kitchen 1 1 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is the bedroom east of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the garden. 2 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the garden west of? bedroom 1 1 The bathroom is east of the garden. 2 The hallway is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom west of? hallway 2 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The garden is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the hallway? garden 2 1 The bedroom is east of the office. 2 The kitchen is west of the office. 3 What is east of the office? bedroom 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is north of the office. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the office. 2 The office is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? office 2 1 The office is north of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? office 1 1 The garden is west of the office. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is east of the office? hallway 2 1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the kitchen south of? office 1 1 The hallway is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The garden is east of the bathroom. 3 What is the hallway east of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 3 What is east of the bedroom? bathroom 2 1 The garden is west of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is west of the garden. 3 What is west of the garden? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The hallway is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the kitchen west of? office 1 1 The kitchen is south of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? kitchen 1 1 The kitchen is north of the garden. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 2 1 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 3 What is north of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is south of the office. 2 The office is south of the garden. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 1 1 The garden is north of the office. 2 The kitchen is south of the office. 3 What is the office north of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? office 2 1 The office is east of the hallway. 2 The hallway is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the office. 3 What is the bedroom north of? bathroom 1 1 The bedroom is west of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the office? bedroom 1 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The office is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen south of? office 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? office 2 1 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 2 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is east of the kitchen? office 2 1 The hallway is south of the kitchen. 2 The garden is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? hallway 1 1 The office is east of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom west of? office 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway west of? bathroom 2 1 The office is west of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the hallway. 3 What is east of the hallway? office 2 1 The bathroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bathroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? kitchen 2 1 The bathroom is west of the garden. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The bathroom is south of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? hallway 2 1 The bedroom is west of the bathroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is west of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The office is north of the hallway. 2 The bathroom is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the hallway? bathroom 2 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is east of the garden. 3 What is the kitchen west of? garden 1 1 The garden is east of the kitchen. 2 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 3 What is the kitchen west of? garden 1 1 The bedroom is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the kitchen east of? bedroom 1 1 The garden is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? garden 1 1 The bedroom is south of the kitchen. 2 The bathroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? bedroom 1 1 The garden is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the office? garden 1 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is east of the bathroom? garden 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bedroom north of? office 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The bedroom is west of the office. 3 What is the office west of? bathroom 1 1 The office is east of the kitchen. 2 The office is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? office 2 1 The bathroom is east of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is the hallway east of? bathroom 2 1 The garden is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is east of the garden. 3 What is the bathroom west of? garden 1 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom east of? kitchen 2 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bathroom? kitchen 2 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The garden is south of the hallway. 3 What is south of the office? hallway 1 1 The bathroom is south of the garden. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is north of the garden? bedroom 2 1 The bedroom is west of the garden. 2 The kitchen is west of the bedroom. 3 What is west of the bedroom? kitchen 2 1 The office is north of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 3 What is north of the kitchen? office 1 1 The office is south of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is north of the bedroom. 3 What is south of the bedroom? office 1 1 The office is south of the bathroom. 2 The office is north of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom south of? office 2 1 The garden is west of the bedroom. 2 The hallway is east of the bedroom. 3 What is the bedroom west of? hallway 2 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The bathroom is west of the hallway. 3 What is east of the office? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The hallway is east of the office. 3 What is the office west of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is south of the office. 2 The hallway is north of the garden. 3 What is the office north of? hallway 1 1 The garden is north of the bathroom. 2 The garden is south of the kitchen. 3 What is south of the kitchen? garden 2 1 The bathroom is west of the bedroom. 2 The bathroom is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom east of? bathroom 1 1 The hallway is west of the kitchen. 2 The kitchen is west of the bathroom. 3 What is west of the kitchen? hallway 1 1 The hallway is north of the bathroom. 2 The kitchen is south of the bathroom. 3 What is the bathroom south of? hallway 1 1 The bedroom is east of the bathroom. 2 The office is west of the bathroom. 3 What is east of the bathroom? bedroom 1 1 The garden is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom south of? garden 1 1 The kitchen is east of the bedroom. 2 The office is east of the kitchen. 3 What is the bedroom west of? kitchen 1 1 The bathroom is east of the office. 2 The hallway is west of the office. 3 What is west of the office? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the hallway. 2 The hallway is north of the office. 3 What is the office south of? hallway 2 1 The hallway is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the bathroom. 3 What is north of the bedroom? hallway 1 1 The hallway is north of the garden. 2 The hallway is south of the bathroom. 3 What is south of the bathroom? hallway 2 1 The kitchen is north of the bedroom. 2 The bedroom is north of the garden. 3 What is the garden south of? bedroom 2