1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 5 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 4 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 5 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 5 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Winona is a cat. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 4 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 4 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 7 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 7 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 7 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 3 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 5 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a cat. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a wolf. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 2 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 2 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 2 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 3 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 5 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 3 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Mice are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 2 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 2 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 3 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 4 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 4 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Cats are afraid of wolves. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 3 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 7 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 4 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 5 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 2 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 1 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Mice are afraid of wolves. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 5 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 3 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Cats are afraid of sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 2 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 3 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 5 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 3 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 3 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 5 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 4 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Mice are afraid of cats. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 3 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Winona is a sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 4 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 4 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 4 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 4 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 3 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 6 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a wolf. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 3 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 2 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 4 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 4 2 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Wolves are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 3 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 4 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 3 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 3 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Jessica is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 2 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 2 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 5 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 2 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 5 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 6 4 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 6 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 3 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 3 2 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Wolves are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 6 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 1 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of mice. 6 Winona is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of cats. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a cat. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Winona is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 1 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 3 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 4 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 4 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 3 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 3 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 1 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Mice are afraid of wolves. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 4 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 4 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 6 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 3 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 5 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 3 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 3 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 3 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 3 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 6 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Wolves are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Gertrude is a sheep. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 4 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 1 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 2 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 6 4 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 6 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 4 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 1 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Winona is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of mice. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 6 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 6 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 4 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 3 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 4 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 4 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Winona is a wolf. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 3 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 6 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 2 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 2 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Gertrude is a sheep. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Cats are afraid of wolves. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 6 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 6 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 2 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a wolf. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 2 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 1 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of mice. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 6 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 3 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 2 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 3 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 3 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of mice. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Mice are afraid of wolves. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 3 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a sheep. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 4 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 4 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 4 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 5 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Jessica is a sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 4 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 5 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 4 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 4 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Jessica is a wolf. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 3 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 2 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Jessica is a cat. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 2 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 2 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of wolves. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Emily is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 1 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 2 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 2 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 3 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Cats are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 3 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 3 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 6 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 1 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Winona is a wolf. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Mice are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 5 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 2 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Emily is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Cats are afraid of wolves. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 5 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Emily is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 4 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Winona is a wolf. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 2 1 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 5 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 5 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 2 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Winona is a mouse. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 6 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 2 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 5 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 5 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 4 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 3 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 5 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 2 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 5 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Gertrude is a sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Cats are afraid of mice. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 2 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 2 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 2 1 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 4 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 6 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Cats are afraid of mice. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Mice are afraid of wolves. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 3 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 3 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 3 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 3 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Cats are afraid of mice. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 5 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 3 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 3 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 2 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 4 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Wolves are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Winona is a cat. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 1 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 2 1 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 2 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 3 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 3 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 3 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 3 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 3 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Gertrude is a wolf. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Cats are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 4 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of mice. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 3 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 3 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a cat. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of wolves. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 5 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 5 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 2 1 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Gertrude is a sheep. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Mice are afraid of sheep. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 7 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 4 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 3 2 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a sheep. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 6 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 1 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 3 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Emily is a cat. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of cats. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 3 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 3 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 3 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 3 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 2 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 4 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 4 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Cats are afraid of mice. 8 Wolves are afraid of cats. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a cat. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 3 1 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Jessica is a sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 3 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 5 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Sheep are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 3 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 2 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of wolves. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 2 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 3 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 5 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 3 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 3 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 3 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 3 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 2 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Gertrude is a wolf. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 1 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 1 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 2 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of wolves. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 6 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 2 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 3 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 3 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Jessica is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 4 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 5 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Cats are afraid of sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 4 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 4 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 6 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of mice. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 4 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Winona is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of cats. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 3 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 1 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 1 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Cats are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 4 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 6 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 4 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 4 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 4 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Winona is a wolf. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of sheep. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 2 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 2 1 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of wolves. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 4 2 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 3 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 2 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Emily is a wolf. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 6 1 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Jessica is a wolf. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 3 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 6 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Cats are afraid of sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 3 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Gertrude is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 2 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of wolves. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 2 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 2 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 1 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 2 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 3 2 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 2 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 4 2 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Winona is a sheep. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 7 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 1 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 4 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Winona is a sheep. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 3 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 3 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Emily is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Mice are afraid of cats. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Jessica is a mouse. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Mice are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 3 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 3 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Emily is a sheep. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Mice are afraid of sheep. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 5 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 4 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Jessica is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 1 10 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 6 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 3 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Winona is a wolf. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 2 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Gertrude is a sheep. 3 Emily is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 4 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Cats are afraid of mice. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 4 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 3 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 3 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 3 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Winona is a cat. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 4 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 7 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a wolf. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Sheep are afraid of mice. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 1 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of mice. 4 Gertrude is a wolf. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Mice are afraid of wolves. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 4 2 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 3 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 6 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a cat. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Emily is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 5 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of wolves. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 7 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Jessica is a cat. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Sheep are afraid of mice. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 6 1 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 6 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 5 4 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Gertrude is a sheep. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 6 3 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a mouse. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a wolf. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 7 6 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 2 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Jessica is a mouse. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Wolves are afraid of cats. 9 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 4 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Gertrude is a wolf. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 7 6 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 2 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 2 1 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 5 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 4 12 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 6 4 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Cats are afraid of sheep. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Jessica is a mouse. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 4 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 2 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a wolf. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 4 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 3 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 5 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 5 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 5 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 2 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 2 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 3 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 6 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 6 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Jessica is a mouse. 5 Winona is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 6 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 6 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 6 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of cats. 7 Mice are afraid of cats. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 3 2 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 2 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 2 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Gertrude is a cat. 7 Sheep are afraid of mice. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 5 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 4 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 3 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 5 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 8 3 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 1 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Winona is a sheep. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 1 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Emily is a wolf. 7 Cats are afraid of mice. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 3 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 4 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a wolf. 7 Sheep are afraid of cats. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 3 2 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Emily is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Jessica is a cat. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 4 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 5 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Jessica is a sheep. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Emily is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 1 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 3 1 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 8 7 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a mouse. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 2 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 4 Gertrude is a wolf. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Mice are afraid of sheep. 8 Jessica is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 1 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 1 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Cats are afraid of wolves. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Sheep are afraid of mice. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 6 10 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 6 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 7 6 12 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Winona is a sheep. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a sheep. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Mice are afraid of sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 7 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 6 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Winona is a mouse. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 3 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Winona is a cat. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 6 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 2 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 2 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 5 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Winona is a cat. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Emily is a cat. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 3 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a wolf. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Gertrude is a cat. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a cat. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Wolves are afraid of mice. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 2 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 4 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a wolf. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Cats are afraid of sheep. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 10 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 6 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Cats are afraid of mice. 4 Jessica is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? sheep 6 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 8 2 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a mouse. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 3 1 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 2 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a cat. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Wolves are afraid of cats. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 2 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of sheep. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Wolves are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 3 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 6 2 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 3 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of cats. 3 Gertrude is a sheep. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 4 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Gertrude is a cat. 5 Wolves are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of cats. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 4 2 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Emily is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? sheep 2 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 5 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a wolf. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Mice are afraid of sheep. 7 Gertrude is a cat. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 3 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 4 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 7 5 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Cats are afraid of sheep. 3 Mice are afraid of wolves. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Emily is a cat. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 1 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 3 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a mouse. 4 Jessica is a mouse. 5 Wolves are afraid of mice. 6 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Winona is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 5 10 What is emily afraid of? sheep 3 1 11 What is emily afraid of? sheep 3 1 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of wolves. 5 Winona is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 6 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 8 1 12 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Jessica is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 2 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 2 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 3 2 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Emily is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 2 11 What is winona afraid of? sheep 7 1 12 What is emily afraid of? cat 8 4 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Winona is a mouse. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Sheep are afraid of mice. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 2 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 7 2 12 What is winona afraid of? wolf 3 1 1 Wolves are afraid of cats. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Emily is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 5 Gertrude is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of sheep. 7 Jessica is a mouse. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 5 2 11 What is winona afraid of? wolf 8 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 7 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Emily is a mouse. 4 Sheep are afraid of mice. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Gertrude is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 5 4 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 8 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Cats are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a wolf. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Gertrude is a sheep. 8 Emily is a sheep. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 1 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 5 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 8 5 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Winona is a sheep. 5 Emily is a cat. 6 Mice are afraid of cats. 7 Gertrude is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 7 6 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 5 1 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of sheep. 5 Jessica is a sheep. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Wolves are afraid of cats. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? wolf 6 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? wolf 5 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 2 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 7 1 Sheep are afraid of mice. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Gertrude is a sheep. 6 Emily is a sheep. 7 Jessica is a sheep. 8 Cats are afraid of sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 7 1 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 3 1 1 Mice are afraid of cats. 2 Jessica is a mouse. 3 Sheep are afraid of cats. 4 Gertrude is a mouse. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Cats are afraid of wolves. 8 Winona is a wolf. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 8 6 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 2 1 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of mice. 3 Gertrude is a cat. 4 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 5 Mice are afraid of wolves. 6 Emily is a mouse. 7 Winona is a mouse. 8 Jessica is a wolf. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 6 5 10 What is winona afraid of? wolf 7 5 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 3 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 8 4 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Winona is a wolf. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Gertrude is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of mice. 7 Mice are afraid of cats. 8 Jessica is a cat. 9 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 6 11 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 5 1 12 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 8 6 1 Cats are afraid of wolves. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Winona is a sheep. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Gertrude is a cat. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Mice are afraid of wolves. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 10 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 11 What is gertrude afraid of? wolf 5 1 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 1 Mice are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 3 Emily is a sheep. 4 Wolves are afraid of mice. 5 Winona is a mouse. 6 Cats are afraid of wolves. 7 Jessica is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 4 10 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 2 11 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 2 12 What is emily afraid of? wolf 3 2 1 Sheep are afraid of cats. 2 Winona is a sheep. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a mouse. 7 Emily is a sheep. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 7 1 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 4 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 6 4 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 6 4 1 Cats are afraid of sheep. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Jessica is a sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Emily is a mouse. 6 Wolves are afraid of mice. 7 Winona is a cat. 8 Gertrude is a wolf. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 8 6 10 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 4 11 What is emily afraid of? cat 5 4 12 What is jessica afraid of? cat 3 2 1 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 2 Mice are afraid of wolves. 3 Wolves are afraid of cats. 4 Emily is a mouse. 5 Cats are afraid of sheep. 6 Gertrude is a wolf. 7 Jessica is a wolf. 8 Winona is a cat. 9 What is emily afraid of? wolf 4 2 10 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 7 3 12 What is winona afraid of? sheep 8 5 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Sheep are afraid of cats. 3 Wolves are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a sheep. 5 Mice are afraid of cats. 6 Winona is a cat. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is emily afraid of? cat 4 2 10 What is gertrude afraid of? mouse 7 3 11 What is jessica afraid of? cat 8 5 12 What is winona afraid of? mouse 6 1 1 Wolves are afraid of mice. 2 Gertrude is a wolf. 3 Mice are afraid of cats. 4 Jessica is a wolf. 5 Cats are afraid of wolves. 6 Winona is a mouse. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Sheep are afraid of wolves. 9 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 3 10 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 1 11 What is jessica afraid of? mouse 4 1 12 What is winona afraid of? cat 6 3 1 Mice are afraid of wolves. 2 Wolves are afraid of mice. 3 Sheep are afraid of mice. 4 Emily is a wolf. 5 Winona is a wolf. 6 Cats are afraid of mice. 7 Gertrude is a wolf. 8 Jessica is a mouse. 9 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 2 10 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 2 11 What is winona afraid of? mouse 5 2 12 What is emily afraid of? mouse 4 2 1 Cats are afraid of mice. 2 Emily is a cat. 3 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 4 Mice are afraid of cats. 5 Jessica is a wolf. 6 Sheep are afraid of cats. 7 Winona is a sheep. 8 Gertrude is a sheep. 9 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 6 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 5 3 11 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 6 12 What is gertrude afraid of? cat 8 6 1 Wolves are afraid of sheep. 2 Mice are afraid of sheep. 3 Gertrude is a mouse. 4 Cats are afraid of mice. 5 Sheep are afraid of cats. 6 Jessica is a wolf. 7 Emily is a cat. 8 Winona is a sheep. 9 What is emily afraid of? mouse 7 4 10 What is jessica afraid of? sheep 6 1 11 What is winona afraid of? cat 8 5 12 What is gertrude afraid of? sheep 3 2