jHepWork 3.8 =========== Java data analysis platform for numeric calculations Main changes: 1) A tool to convert units and measures [Tools]->[Unit conversion] Examples how to do the conversions in java/Jython code 2) JScience is included as system library 3) HChart plots/charts can be saved to vector format (EPS/PDF/SVG) 4) The Plot class for simple plots 5) A spreadsheet is added to the tool bar [Tool]->[Spreadsheet] 6) SPsheet class is enhanced (tutorials are available) 7) HBook class to store all data objects in XML file is extended XML tags have changed to reflect such changes. It was also moved to hplot.io package. HBook has same methods to store data as HFile and PFile. See: http://jwork.org/jhepwork/wikidoc/doku.php?id=man:io:crossplatform 8) Every object for drawing have methods setLabelX,Y,Z. Now labels can be stored together with objects and shown on the canvas, over-writing the global setNameX and setNameY 9) P0I and P0D implement DoubleArray class 10) The MenuBar "Tools" was split into "Tools" and "Plot" 11) DataBrowser foe serialised objects is extended. 12) Data files can be opened in a Data Browser See: http://jwork.org/jhepwork/wikidoc/doku.php?id=man:io:input_output 13) getParset() method fixed for F1D and F2D. Now it returns "Calculable" parset representation 14) Corrected help. Now we shipts only jhplot javadoc with the bundle. Documentation other than jhplot can be viewed onlin (help->All Java API) 15) Jython 2.7 (b). from Feb. 2013 16) JRuby console was removed. Some incompatibilities and low usage. Documentation: ============= Java API documentation (javadoc) was converted to SQlite database to reduce the load on the server. We used Doc2SQL tool (http://jwork.org/doc2sql/) for conversion of Java HRML files to SQL (SQLite). Many sections have rewritten. Sections are organized in directories / trees. Examples fixed and regenerated Feb 20, 2013