jHepWork 3.5 =================== Main changes: All source code recompiled using Java7. Please update your java installation to comply with Java7. JMathLab (Octave/Matlab) computational environment is added as a "jMathLab Shell" See http://jwork.org/jmathlab/ 1) Corrected indexOf/lastIndexOf in P1D 2) Fixed bug in HPlotJa which cuts histograms when Y-axis limit smaller then histogram max value. 3) Several bugs in HPlot3D when using GUI to edit files 4) New tool: [Tools]->[3D functions] 5) Fixed plots with P1D objects when using dashed lines. This bug was fixed in HPlotJa and HPlot. 6) setStyle() was fixed for all plot objects ("l" option does not draw symbols) 7) moved to apache.commons.math3 8) FreeHEP recompiled 9) Corrected parsing for F1D,F2D,F3D to fix a+x^3+x^2 problems Replaced previous engine to parse math equations 10) fixed bug in jRuby startup (by moving to jruby 1.6.8) Sep, 2012 S.Chekanov