jHepWork 3.3 ===================== 1) HPlotJas - interactive data fit program based on Jas See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovhd_-vnwgw 2) A powerful 3D engine to render 3D shapes and mathematical objects (functions, histograms, points). See http://jwork.org/jhepwork/wikidoc/doku.php?id=public:graphics3d 3) Collections for integers and double (P0I and P0D) have moved to a high-performance low-footprint implementations. Typically, they are factor 7 faster then for previous jwork versions. Added other high-performance collections for primitives which overperform Python and Java collections by a factor 7-10. 4) Major rewrite of the core data collections (P1D, P2D, P3D). This speeds up math operations by a factor 3-5 compared to the previous versions. Also, a memory footprint is smaller for P1D (not is is proportional to the dimension of this container) Jan 21, 2012 S.Chekanov