jHepWork 3.0 beta (June 9, 2011) ================================ 1) Remove System.gc() from the method clearData() in HPlot to speed-up execution 2) HChart class has several methods to set fonts. setNameX() and setNameY() fixed 3) memory leak due to in all canvaces based on Graph.java (corrected by André Lanouette) 4) Moving to new version of Protocol Buffers 2.4.1 for jHepWork I/O http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ This will affect several classes from jhplot.io, such as PFile and PEventFile. 5) New Interplator class in jhplot.stat. Can be used to smooth data using spline and Loess (Lowess) Local Regression Algorithm. Can be applied to data P1D and histograms 6) FileRoot from jhplot.io is redone. One can navigate inside ROOT files using the standard method cd(dir1/dir). 7) getStat() methods of P1D, H1D and P0D returns a map/dictionary with detailed statistical information for these containers S.Chekanov