Changelog jHepWork-2.8 ====================== 1) Parallel Colt (a multithreaded version of Colt) In Parallel Colt threads are used automatically when computations are done on a machine with multiple CPUs. Literally zero configuration is needed. Try Jython scripts in: [Tools]->[jhplot examples]->[Multithreading] 2) Complete rewrite of HPlot3D (3D canvas to plot data, functions, histograms). Now 3D graphics is ~2 times faster using the native Java! 3) All 2D and 3D examples are located in 2 different folders: Canvas2D and Canvas3D. Look at the menu: [Tools]->[jhplot examples] 4) Jython 2.5.2. See Changelog: 5) 3D engine to read OFF files. Try the examples: [Tools]->[jhplot examples]->[Canvas]-> [Tools]->[jhplot examples]->[Canvas]->canvas_engine3Dmethodspy S.Chekanov,