Changelog jHepWork-2.5b ====================== jeHEP IDE: ========== 1) Work towards optimization for netbooks (ubuntu netbook 10.4 edition) 2) Examples are shown as a tree (>100 examples) See [Tools]->[jHPlot examples] 3) Removed globaldoc JHPlot package: ============== 1) Based on FreeHEP trunk from Sep 2010 2) Fixed reading AIDA files from HPlotJa->Read Data menu 3) HPlotJa can draw Cloud1D and Cloud2D (Open "Tools->HPlotJa" than go to "Options->Draw Pads" and then "File->Open data". Select AIDA file. Then in ObjectBrowser, use the right mouse to draw Cloud1D and other Jaida objects. 4) Fixed serialization of lists with FreeHEP objects 5) Several fixes for statshape class 6) HPlotJa histogram drawing is fixed. Should be similar to HPlotJa (see forum on Sep. 1, 2010) 7) New method to draw histogram: setBars(boolean) 8) Aspect ratio for printing is fixed for GHPanel (affects all plotting canvaces derived from this class, HPlot, HPlotJa etc.., ) 9) Better plotting support for all AIDA objects 10) New classes in FileRoot amd FileAida. Class HRoot was renamed to S.Chekanov, September, 2010