Complex values and operations
Source code name: "matrix_jscience.groovy"
Programming language: Groovy
Topic: Linear Algebra/Matrices
DMelt Version 1. Last modified: 05/09/2015. License: Free
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import org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex
import static org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex.I
import static org.jscience.mathematics.number.Complex.valueOf as c
import org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial
import static org.jscience.mathematics.function.Polynomial.valueOf as p
import org.jscience.mathematics.function.Variable

// Defines two local variables (x, y).
def varX = new Variable.Local("x")
def varY = new Variable.Local("y")

use (JScienceCategory) {
    def ONE = Complex.ONE
    def TWO = c(2, 0)
    // f(x) = ix?? + 2x + 1
    def x = p(ONE, varX)
    def fx = I * x ** 2 + TWO * x + ONE
    println fx
    println fx ** 2
    println fx.differentiate(varX)
    println fx.integrate(varY)
    println fx.compose(fx)

    // Calculates expression.
    varX.set(c(2, 3))
    println fx.evaluate()

class JScienceCategory {
    static power(Polynomial p, int n) {
    static multiply(Complex c, Polynomial p) {
    static multiply(Polynomial p, Complex c) {