Showing 3D surface using ViasAd
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VisAD Tutorial
Copyright (C) 2000 Ugo Taddei
import visad.*;
import visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

VisAD Tutorial example 4_01
Like example 3_09 but using a 3D display
We have the functions altitude = h(latitude, longitude)
  			temperature = f(latitude, longitude)
represented by the MathType
( (latitude, longitude) to (altitude, temperature ) )
Map the altitude to ZAxis and temperature to RGB
Run program with "java P4_01"

public class visad6_3D_surface_func{

// Declare variables
  // The domain quantities longitude and latitude
  // and the dependent quantities altitude, temperature
  private RealType longitude, latitude;
  private RealType altitude, temperature,  precipitation;

  // Two Tuples: one to pack longitude and latitude together, as the domain
  // and the other for the range (altitude, temperature)
  private RealTupleType domain_tuple, range_tuple;

  // The function (domain_tuple -> range_tuple )
  private FunctionType func_domain_range;

  // Our Data values for the domain are represented by the Set
  private Set domain_set;

  // The Data class FlatField
  private FlatField vals_ff;

  // The DataReference from data to display
  private DataReferenceImpl data_ref;

  // The 2D display, and its the maps
  private DisplayImpl display;
  private ScalarMap latMap, lonMap;
  private ScalarMap altZMap, tempRGBMap;
  private ScalarMap tempZMap, altRGBMap;

  public visad6_3D_surface_func(String []args)
    throws RemoteException, VisADException {

    // Create the quantities
    // Use RealType(String name);
    latitude = RealType.getRealType("latitude",SI.meter,null);
    longitude = RealType.getRealType("longitude",SI.meter,null);

    domain_tuple = new RealTupleType(latitude, longitude);

    temperature = RealType.getRealType("temperature",SI.kelvin,null);
    altitude = RealType.getRealType("altitude",SI.meter,null);

    // Create the range tuple ( altitude, temperature )
    // Use RealTupleType( RealType[] )
    range_tuple = new RealTupleType( altitude, temperature  );

    // Create a FunctionType (domain_tuple -> range_tuple )
    // Use FunctionType(MathType domain, MathType range)
    func_domain_range = new FunctionType( domain_tuple, range_tuple);

    // Create the domain Set
    // Use LinearDSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int lengthX,
    //				     double first2, double last2, int lengthY)
    int NCOLS = 100;
    int NROWS = NCOLS;

    domain_set = new Linear2DSet(domain_tuple, -Math.PI, Math.PI, NROWS,
    					       -Math.PI, Math.PI, NCOLS);

    // Get the Set samples to facilitate the calculations
    float[][] set_samples = domain_set.getSamples( true );

    // We create another array, with the same number of elements of
    // altitude and temperature, but organized as
    // float[2][ number_of_samples ]

    float[][] flat_samples = new float[2][NCOLS * NROWS];

    // ...and then we fill our 'flat' array with the generated values
    // by looping over NCOLS and NROWS

    for(int c = 0; c < NCOLS; c++)

      for(int r = 0; r < NROWS; r++){

	// ...altitude
	flat_samples[0][ c * NROWS + r ] = 01.0f / (float)( (set_samples[0][ c * NROWS + r ] *
						     set_samples[0][ c * NROWS + r ]) +
						     (set_samples[1][ c * NROWS + r ] *
						     set_samples[1][ c * NROWS + r ]) + 1.0f );

	// ...temperature
	flat_samples[1][ c * NROWS + r ] = (float)( (Math.sin( 0.50*(double) set_samples[0][ c * NROWS + r ])  ) * Math.cos( (double) set_samples[1][ c * NROWS + r ] ) ) ;


    // Create a FlatField
    // Use FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set)
    vals_ff = new FlatField( func_domain_range, domain_set);

    // ...and put the values above into it

    // Note the argument false, meaning that the array won't be copied
    vals_ff.setSamples( flat_samples , false );

    // Create Display and its maps
    // A 2D display
    display = new DisplayImplJ3D("display1");

    // Get display's graphics mode control and draw scales
    GraphicsModeControl dispGMC = (GraphicsModeControl)  display.getGraphicsModeControl();

    // Create the ScalarMaps: latitude to YAxis, longitude to XAxis and
    // altitude to ZAxis and temperature to RGB
    // Use ScalarMap(ScalarType scalar, DisplayRealType display_scalar)
    latMap = new ScalarMap( latitude,    Display.YAxis );
    lonMap = new ScalarMap( longitude, Display.XAxis );

    // Add maps to display
    display.addMap( latMap );
    display.addMap( lonMap );

     // altitude to z-axis and temperature to color
    altZMap = new ScalarMap( altitude,  Display.ZAxis );
    tempRGBMap = new ScalarMap( temperature,  Display.RGB );
    // Add maps to display
    display.addMap( altZMap );
    display.addMap( tempRGBMap );

    // Uncomment following lines to have different data depiction
    // temperature to z-axis and altitude to color

    //altRGBMap = new ScalarMap( altitude,  Display.RGB );
    //tempZMap = new ScalarMap( temperature,  Display.ZAxis );
    //display.addMap( altRGBMap );
    //display.addMap( tempZMap );

    // Create a data reference and set the FlatField as our data
    data_ref = new DataReferenceImpl("data_ref");

    data_ref.setData( vals_ff );

    // Add reference to display
    display.addReference( data_ref );

    // Create application window and add display to window
    JFrame jframe = new JFrame("VisAD");

    // Set window size and make it visible
    jframe.setSize(600, 600);


  public static void main(String[] args)
    throws RemoteException, VisADException
    new visad6_3D_surface_func(args);
