Documentation of 'jhplot.P1D' Java class.

Class P1D

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class P1D
    extends DrawOptions
    A container to hold data points with 1st and 2nd level errors. The first errors are usually statistical, the second error are systematic. P1D can be used for drawing, manipulation with data etc.

    This is a vast high-performance low-memory footprint data container.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Construct an empty container
      P1D(Cloud2D c2d)
      Construct P1D from a Cloud2D
      P1D(DataHolder dh, int i1, int i2)
      Create P1D data holder from multidimensional data holder.
      P1D(DataHolder dh, java.lang.String title, int i1, int i2)
      Create P1D data holder from multidimensional data holder.
      P1D(H1D histo)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram.
      P1D(H1D histo, boolean binMean)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram.
      P1D(H1D histo, boolean binMean, boolean fillXerrors)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram.
      P1D(IDataPointSet pd)
      Create a P1D container from IDataPointSet.
      P1D(P0D p1, P0D p2)
      Construct a container from pairs of P0D (one for X, second for Y)
      P1D(java.lang.String title)
      Construct an empty container with a title.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, java.awt.Color color)
      Construct an empty container with a title and color for points
      P1D(java.lang.String title, java.awt.Color color, int symbolstyle)
      Construct an empty container with a title and color and symbol style for points
      P1D(java.lang.String title, double[] p1, double[] p2)
      Construct a container from pairs X and Y
      P1D(java.lang.String title, DoubleArrayList Xval, DoubleArrayList Yval)
      Construct an empty container with a title.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, H1D histo)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, H1D histo, boolean binMean)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, H1D histo, boolean binMean, boolean fillXerrors)
      Create a P1D container from a histogram
      P1D(java.lang.String title, int dimension)
      Construct an empty container with a title
      P1D(java.lang.String title, int[] p1, int[] p2)
      Construct a container from pairs X and Y
      P1D(java.lang.String title, P0D p1, P0D p2)
      Construct a container from pairs of P0D (one for X, second for Y)
      P1D(java.lang.String title, P1D p1d)
      Construct a new copy of the data container.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, java.lang.String sfile)
      Construct a P1D from a file.
      P1D(java.lang.String title, url)
      Construct a P1D from a file on the we web.
      P1D( url)
      Construct a P1D from a file on the we web.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void add(double x, double y)
      Adds values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void add(double x, double y, double err)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void add(double x, double y, double upper, double lower)
      Add values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void add(double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void add(double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower, double left_sys, double right_sys, double upper_sys, double lower_sys)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      P1D addAndAverage(P1D[] p1darray)
      Return P1D array with weighted average of several measurements.
      void addQuick(double x, double y, double err)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void addQuick(double x, double y, double upper, double lower)
      Add values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void addQuick(double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void addQuick(double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower, double left_sys, double right_sys, double upper_sys, double lower_sys)
      Adds the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void clear()
      Clear the container.
      void combineErr(int axis)
      Add 1st and 2nd level in quadrature and attribute the combined error to 1st level error.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> compareChi2(F1D f1)
      Compare data with a function.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> compareChi2(P1D h2)
      Compare two data sets in X-Y.
      P1D copy()
      Make a new data holder with the same title from the current one.
      P1D copy(java.lang.String newtitle)
      create a copy of this container.
      P1D derivative()
      Calculate derivative for X-Y data points.
      int dimension()
      Returns the dimension of this P1D holder.
      void doc()
      Show online documentation.
      void fill(Cloud2D c2d)
      Fill a P1D container from a Cloud2D.
      void fill(double[] xa, double[] ya)
      Fill a P1D container from 2 arrays.
      void fill(double[] xa, double[] ya, double[] yerror)
      Fill a P1D container from 3 arrays (one represents symmetrical errors on Y).
      void fill(double[] xa, double[] ya, double[] yupper, double[] ylower)
      Fill a P1D container from 4 arrays (last represents asymmetrical upper and lower errors on Y).
      void fill(double[] x, double[] y, double[] left, double[] right, double[] upper, double[] lower, double[] left_sys, double[] right_sys, double[] upper_sys, double[] lower_sys)
      Fill the values of a X-Y plot-points with full errors.
      void fill(int[] xa, int[] ya)
      Fill a P1D container from 2 integer arrays.
      void fill(P0D xa, P0D ya)
      Fill a P1D container from 2 P0D arrays.
      void fill(P0D xa, P0D ya, P0D yerror)
      Fill a P1D container from P0D arrays (one represents symmetrical errors on Y).
      void fillIDataPointSet(IDataPointSet fDps2D)
      Fill IDataPointSet.
      double[] getArrayErr()
      Get array representing (symmetric) error on Y.
      double[] getArrayX()
      Get array representing X-values
      double[] getArrayXleft()
      Get array representing X-left errors
      double[] getArrayXleftSys()
      Get array representing X-left 2nd level errors
      double[] getArrayXright()
      Get array representing X-right errors
      double[] getArrayXrightSys()
      Get array representing X-right 2nd level errors
      double[] getArrayY()
      Get array representing Y-values
      double[] getArrayYlower()
      Get array representing Y lower errors
      double[] getArrayYlowerSys()
      Get array representing Y lower 2nd level errors
      double[] getArrayYupper()
      Get array representing Y upper errors
      double[] getArrayYupperSys()
      Get array representing Y upper 2nd level errors
      jplot.DataArray getDataArray()
      Return a DataArray container from JPlot
      int getDimension()
      Returns the dimension of this P1D holder.
      double getErr(int i)
      Return (symmetric) error on Y-value.
      double getError(int i)
      Return error (uncertainty) on the Y value.
      IDataPointSet getIDataPointSet()
      Get IDataPointSet.
      jplot.LinePars getLinePars()
      get LinePars class which holds graphical attributes
      double getMax(int axis)
      Returns the maximum value in the range.
      int getMaxIndex(int axis)
      Returns the index of maximum value in the range.
      double getMin(int axis)
      Returns the minimum value in the range.
      int getMinIndex(int axis)
      Returns the index of minimum value in the range.
      double getQuickX(int i)
      Return a specific X-value quickly (no bound check).
      double getQuickY(int i)
      Return a specific Y-value quickly (no bound check).
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> getStat(int axis)
      Get complete statistics for this container for a given axis.
      P1D getSys(P1D[] p1darray)
      Return P1D array which contains 2nd level errors (or systematic errors) evaluated from an array of P1D data holders.
      double getX(int i)
      Return a specific X-value.
      DoubleArrayList getXE1left()
      Left error on X (1st level)
      DoubleArrayList getXE1right()
      Right eroor on X
      DoubleArrayList getXE2left()
      Left error on X (2nd level)
      DoubleArrayList getXE2right()
      Right error (2nd level) on X
      double getXleft(int i)
      Return a specific left error on X-value.
      double getXleftSys(int i)
      Return a specific left error on X-value (systematic error).
      double getXright(int i)
      Return a specific right error on X-value.
      double getXrightSys(int i)
      Return a specific right error on X-value (systematic error).
      DoubleArrayList getXval()
      Get array of X values;
      double getY(int i)
      Return a specific Y-value.
      DoubleArrayList getYE1down()
      Down error on Y (1st level)
      DoubleArrayList getYE1upper()
      Upper error on Y (1st level)
      DoubleArrayList getYE2down()
      Down error on Y (2nd level)
      DoubleArrayList getYE2upper()
      Upper error on Y (2nd level)
      double getYlower(int i)
      Return a specific lower error on Y-value.
      double getYlowerSys(int i)
      Return a specific total lower error on Y-value.
      double getYupper(int i)
      Return a specific upper error on Y-value.
      double getYupperSys(int i)
      Return a specific systematical upper error on Y-value.
      DoubleArrayList getYval()
      Get array of Y values;
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code value for this collection (onoy X,Y values)
      int indexOf(double valueX, double valueY)
      Searches the list front to back for the index of value, starting at offset.
      int indexOfX(double valueX)
      Searches the list front to back for the index of value, starting at offset.
      int indexOfY(double valueY)
      Searches for a Y value starting at offset.
      double integral()
      Integrate P1D (sum up all Y values)
      double integral(int IndexMin, int IndexMax)
      Integrate P1D between two indices (between 1 and max index)
      int lastIndexOf(double valueX, double valueY)
      Searches for the index of value, starting at offset, but backwards Here we search for (X,Y) pairs only.
      int lastIndexOfX(double valueX)
      Searches for value in X backwards.
      int lastIndexOfY(double valueY)
      Searches for a Y value backewards.
      double meanX()
      Returns the mean value in X.
      double meanXerror()
      Returns the standard error of the mean values for X.
      double meanY()
      Returns the mean value in Y.
      double meanYerror()
      Returns the standard error of the mean values for Y.
      P1D merge(P1D p1d)
      Merge two P1D containers.
      P1D move(java.lang.String what, java.lang.String how)
      Transform a P1D data holder to some function with error propagation (for both levels)
      int oper(P1D a, java.lang.String what)
      Operations on P1D container: add, subtract, multiply, divide.
      int oper(P1D a, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String what)
      Operations on P1D containers: add, subtract, multiply, divide.
      P1D oper(P1D a, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String what, java.lang.String how, P1D corr)
      Operations on P1D containers: add, subtract, multiply, divide.
      P1D operErrSys(java.lang.String title, int axis, P1D left, P1D right)
      Obtain a new P1D with 2nd-level errors on X or Y obtained from two P1D objects, one represents left on X (or lower on Y) error and the other represents the right on X (or upper on Y) error.
      void operPlusY(P1D p1)
      Add all Y-values from another P1D.
      void operScale(int axis, double scale)
      Scale X-values (axis=0) or Y values (axis=1) and their errors with a scale factor.
      void operScaleErr(int axis, double scale)
      Scale 1st level errors with a scale factor.
      void operScaleErrSys(int axis, double scale)
      Scale 2nd level errors with a scale factor.
      P1D operSmooth(int axis, boolean isWeighted, int k)
      Smooth P1D data points in either X or Y.
      P1D operSmoothGauss(int axis, double standardDeviation)
      Computes a Gaussian smoothed version of P1D.
      void print()
      Print a P1D container on the screen
      P1D range(int IndexMin, int IndexMax)
      Obtain a new PD1 in the range between Min and Max indexes.
      P1D rangeCut(int axis, double Min, double Max)
      Construct P1D removing a range of values defined by Min and Max.
      int read( br)
      Read data using 10-column format.
      int read(java.lang.String sfile)
      Read P1D from a file.
      int read( url)
      Read data from URL.
      int readGZip(java.lang.String sfile)
      Read P1D from a GZiped file.
      P1D readSerialized(java.lang.String name)
      Read a P1D object from a serialized file
      int readZip(java.lang.String sfile)
      Read P1D from a Zipped file.
      P1D remove(int position)
      Removes at the position
      void removeAt(int index)
      Remove a (X,Y) value at a given index
      double rmsX()
      Returns RMS for X-values.
      double rmsY()
      Returns RMS for Y-values.
      void set(int i, double x, double y)
      Sets the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y).
      void set(int i, double x, double y, double err)
      Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void set(int i, double x, double y, double upper, double lower)
      Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void set(int i, double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower)
      Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void set(int i, double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower, double left_sys, double right_sys, double upper_sys, double lower_sys)
      Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setArrayX(double[] x)
      Set array at once
      void setArrayY(double[] y)
      Set array at once
      void setDataArray(jplot.DataArray data)
      Set data in a form of DataArray
      void setDimension(int dimension)
      Set the dimension for the container.
      void setErrAllToZero(java.lang.String title, int axis)
      Set all (1st and 2nd) level errors to zero.
      void setErrSqrt(int axis)
      Set 1st level error to sqrt of X or Y values.
      void setErrSysToZero(int axis)
      Set 2nd level errors to zero.
      void setErrToZero(int axis)
      Set 1st level errors to zero.
      void setLinePars(jplot.LinePars pnew)
      Sets LinePars class for graphical attributes
      void setQuick(int i, double x, double y)
      setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setQuick(int i, double x, double y, double err)
      setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setQuick(int i, double x, double y, double upper, double lower)
      setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setQuick(int i, double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower)
      setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setQuick(int i, double x, double y, double left, double right, double upper, double lower, double left_sys, double right_sys, double upper_sys, double lower_sys)
      setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y).
      void setXE1left(DoubleArrayList xE1left)
      Error on X left.Statistical error.
      void setXE1right(DoubleArrayList xE1right)
      Error on X.
      void setXE2left(DoubleArrayList xE2left)
      Set left second-level errors
      void setXE2right(DoubleArrayList xE2right)
      Set right second-level errors
      void setXval(DoubleArrayList X)
      Set X values as array
      void setYE1down(DoubleArrayList yE1down)
      Set statististical down error
      void setYE1upper(DoubleArrayList yE1upper)
      Set statistical error on Y 91st level)
      void setYE2down(DoubleArrayList yE2down)
      Set second level down error on Y
      void setYE2upper(DoubleArrayList yE2upper)
      Set second level upper error on Y
      void setYval(DoubleArrayList yval)
      Set Y values
      int size()
      Return the length of the data vector.
      void sort(int axis)
      Sorting the original array using either X or Y values.
      double stddeviationX()
      Standard deviation of values X.
      double stddeviationY()
      Standard deviation of values Y.
      void toFile(java.lang.String name)
      Write a P1D to an external file.
      void toFileAsLatex(java.lang.String name, java.text.DecimalFormat dx, java.text.DecimalFormat dy)
      Write a File in form of LaTeX table from values in the container P1D
      java.lang.String toString()
      Convert to a string
      void toTable()
      Show in a Table in a separate Frame.
      void updateSummary()
      double varianceX()
      Returns variance for X-values.
      double varianceY()
      Returns variance for Y-values.
      int writeSerialized(java.lang.String name)
      Write a P0D object to a serialized file
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • P1D

        public P1D()
        Construct an empty container
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title)
        Construct an empty container with a title. It is assumed that on X and Y values will be stored (dimension 2).
        title - New title
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   DoubleArrayList Xval,
                   DoubleArrayList Yval)
        Construct an empty container with a title. It is assumed that on X and Y values will be stored (dimension 2).
        title - New title
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   int dimension)
        Construct an empty container with a title
        title - New title
        dimension - dimension (2,4,6,10)
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   java.awt.Color color)
        Construct an empty container with a title and color for points
        title - New title
        color - for points
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   java.awt.Color color,
                   int symbolstyle)
        Construct an empty container with a title and color and symbol style for points
        title - New title
        color - for points
        style - used to draw symbols (1,2,3,4..)
      • P1D

        public P1D(P0D p1,
                   P0D p2)
        Construct a container from pairs of P0D (one for X, second for Y)
        p1 - P1D representing X
        p2 - P1D representing Y
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   P0D p1,
                   P0D p2)
        Construct a container from pairs of P0D (one for X, second for Y)
        title - new title
        p1 - P1D representing X
        p2 - P1D representing Y
      • P1D

        public P1D(Cloud2D c2d)
        Construct P1D from a Cloud2D
        c2d - input cloud2d
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   double[] p1,
                   double[] p2)
        Construct a container from pairs X and Y
        title - new title
        p1 - array representing X
        p2 - array representing Y
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   int[] p1,
                   int[] p2)
        Construct a container from pairs X and Y
        title - new title
        p1 - array representing X
        p2 - array representing Y
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   P1D p1d)
        Construct a new copy of the data container.
        title - New title
        p1d - input P1D object
      • P1D

        public P1D(DataHolder dh,
                   java.lang.String title,
                   int i1,
                   int i2)
        Create P1D data holder from multidimensional data holder. You should specify a slice which you want to export (X,Y) pair of P1D
        dh - Input data container
        title - New title
        i1 - Index of the first column
        i2 - Index of the second column
      • P1D

        public P1D(DataHolder dh,
                   int i1,
                   int i2)
        Create P1D data holder from multidimensional data holder. You should specify a slice which you want to export (X,Y) pair of P1D. The title is default
        dh - Input data container
        i1 - Index of the first column
        i2 - Index of the second column
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   java.lang.String sfile)
        Construct a P1D from a file.

        The file should contain 2, or 4, or 6, or 10 columns: 1) x,y: data without any errors 2) x,y, y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on Y 3) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on X and Y 4) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower), x(leftSys), x(rightSys), y(upperSys), y(lowerSys) - data with X and Y and 1st and 2nd level errors. Comments lines starting with "#" and "*" are ignored.

        title - Title of the container
        sfile - File name with input. input file name. It can be either a file on a file system or URL location (must start from http or ftp)
      • P1D

        public P1D(IDataPointSet pd)
        Create a P1D container from IDataPointSet.
        pd - Imported IDataPointSet.
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   H1D histo,
                   boolean binMean,
                   boolean fillXerrors)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram
        title - New title
        histo - Imported histogram
        binMean - If true, Y values are put to the mean values in each bin. If false, is just a height in the histogram bin
        fillXerrors - If true, errors are set to X values (half of the bin width) If false, errors on X are set to zero
      • P1D

        public P1D(H1D histo,
                   boolean binMean,
                   boolean fillXerrors)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram. The title is set to the histogram title.
        histo - Imported histogram
        binMean - If true, Y values are put to the mean values in each bin. If false, Y corresponds to height of the histogram bin
        fillXerrors - If true, errors are set to X values (half of the bin width) If false, errors on X are set to zero
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   H1D histo,
                   boolean binMean)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram. The title is set to the histogram title. Show errors on X as bin width x 0.5
        title - New title
        histo - Imported histogram
        binMean - If true, Y values are put to the mean values in each bin. If false, Y is just a center of the histogram bin
      • P1D

        public P1D(H1D histo,
                   boolean binMean)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram. The title is set to the histogram title. Show errors on X as bin width x 0.5
        histo - Imported histogram
        binMean - If true, Y values are put to the mean values in each bin. If false, Y is just a height of the histogram bin
      • P1D

        public P1D(H1D histo)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram. The title is set to the histogram title. Show errors on X as bin width x 0.5. The Y points are set to the high values in each bin.
        histo - Imported histogram
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
                   H1D histo)
        Create a P1D container from a histogram. The title is set to the histogram title. Show errors on X as bin width x 0.5 The Y points are set to the mean values in each bin.
        title - New title
        histo - Imported histogram
      • P1D

        public P1D(java.lang.String title,
        Construct a P1D from a file on the we web. The file should contain 2, or 4, or 6, or 10 columns: 1) x,y: data without any errors 2) x,y, y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on Y 3) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on X and Y 4) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower), x(leftSys), x(rightSys), y(upperSys), y(lowerSys) - data with X and Y and 1st and 2nd level errors. Comments lines starting with "#" and "*" are ignored. Numbers are separated by a space.
        title - Title of the container
        url - URL location
      • P1D

        public P1D( url)
        Construct a P1D from a file on the we web. The file should contain 2, or 4, or 6, or 10 columns: 1) x,y: data without any errors 2) x,y, y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on Y 3) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on X and Y 4) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower), x(leftSys), x(rightSys), y(upperSys), y(lowerSys) - data with X and Y and 1st and 2nd level errors. Comments lines starting with "#" and "*" are ignored. Numbers are seprated by space.
        url - URL location
    • Method Detail

      • setDimension

        public void setDimension(int dimension)
        Set the dimension for the container. Can be: 2: for X,Y
        3: for X,Y and error on Y
        4: for X,Y and error on Y (up) and Y (down)
        6: for X,Y and error on Y (up) and Y (down) and X(left) and X(right)
        10: same as before but 2nd level errors (usually systematics)
        dimension - dimension used.
      • getLinePars

        public jplot.LinePars getLinePars()
        get LinePars class which holds graphical attributes
        Graphic attributes
      • setLinePars

        public void setLinePars(jplot.LinePars pnew)
        Sets LinePars class for graphical attributes
        pnew - Graphic attributes
      • toFileAsLatex

        public void toFileAsLatex(java.lang.String name,
                                  java.text.DecimalFormat dx,
                                  java.text.DecimalFormat dy)
        Write a File in form of LaTeX table from values in the container P1D
        name - Name of the file
        dx - Format of x values
        dy - Format of y values
      • toFile

        public void toFile(java.lang.String name)
        Write a P1D to an external file. If errors on data points are not given, they are set to 0
        name - File name with output
      • print

        public void print()
        Print a P1D container on the screen
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Convert to a string
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        String representing P1D
      • merge

        public P1D merge(P1D p1d)
        Merge two P1D containers.
        p1d - Container to be added
        modified P1D container
      • remove

        public P1D remove(int position)
        Removes at the position
        position -
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code value for this collection (onoy X,Y values)
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf(double valueX,
                           double valueY)
        Searches the list front to back for the index of value, starting at offset. Here we search for (X,Y) value. The search is done for pairs only.
        valueX - X value
        valueY - Y value
        index of X with found pair value. If not pair found, return -1.
      • lastIndexOf

        public int lastIndexOf(double valueX,
                               double valueY)
        Searches for the index of value, starting at offset, but backwards Here we search for (X,Y) pairs only.
        valueX - X value
        valueY - Y value
        index with the found pair value (or -1 if not found)
      • indexOfX

        public int indexOfX(double valueX)
        Searches the list front to back for the index of value, starting at offset.
        valueX - X value
        index of found value
      • lastIndexOfX

        public int lastIndexOfX(double valueX)
        Searches for value in X backwards.
        valueX - X value
        index of found value
      • indexOfY

        public int indexOfY(double valueY)
        Searches for a Y value starting at offset. Here we serch for (Y) value.
        valueY - Y value
        index of found value
      • lastIndexOfY

        public int lastIndexOfY(double valueY)
        Searches for a Y value backewards.
        valueY - Y value
        index of found value
      • setDataArray

        public void setDataArray(jplot.DataArray data)
        Set data in a form of DataArray
        data - input data
      • operScale

        public void operScale(int axis,
                              double scale)
        Scale X-values (axis=0) or Y values (axis=1) and their errors with a scale factor. The object to be returned is the same, only X or Y are scaled.
        axis - axis for which scaling is applied. set to 0 for X and set to 1 for Y.
        scale - Scale factor
      • setErrToZero

        public void setErrToZero(int axis)
        Set 1st level errors to zero. All other errors are the same as before.
        axis - axis = 0 for X, axis =1 for Y
      • setErrAllToZero

        public void setErrAllToZero(java.lang.String title,
                                    int axis)
        Set all (1st and 2nd) level errors to zero. If axis=0, for X values if axis=1, for Y values
        axis - axis = 0 for X, axis =1 for Y
      • setErrSysToZero

        public void setErrSysToZero(int axis)
        Set 2nd level errors to zero.
        axis - axis = 0 for X, axis =1 for Y
      • setErrSqrt

        public void setErrSqrt(int axis)
        Set 1st level error to sqrt of X or Y values. If axis=0, left and right errors will be set on X as sqrt(X). If axis=1, upper and lower errors will be set on Y as sqrt(Y).
        axis - axis (=0 for X, 1 for Y).
      • operScaleErrSys

        public void operScaleErrSys(int axis,
                                    double scale)
        Scale 2nd level errors with a scale factor. If axis=0, the scaling is applied to errors on X, if axis=1, the scale factor is applied for errors on Y.
        axis - axis to a which a scale factor is applied (=0 for X, =1 for Y).
        scale - Scale factor to be applied to 2nd level errors defined by axis
      • operPlusY

        public void operPlusY(P1D p1)
        Add all Y-values from another P1D. X-values will be unchanged. 1st and 2nd errors on Y are added in quadrature assuming uncorrelated Y-values. Dimensions are assumed to be the same.
        p1d - P1D to be added to the original. Only Y-values are added, x-values are unchanged.
      • operScaleErr

        public void operScaleErr(int axis,
                                 double scale)
        Scale 1st level errors with a scale factor. If axis=0, the scaling is applied to errors on X, if axis=1, the scale factor to errors on Y.
        axis - axis to which a scale factor is applied (=0 for X, 1 for Y).
        scale - Scale factor to be applied to 1st level errors defined by axis
      • operErrSys

        public P1D operErrSys(java.lang.String title,
                              int axis,
                              P1D left,
                              P1D right)
        Obtain a new P1D with 2nd-level errors on X or Y obtained from two P1D objects, one represents left on X (or lower on Y) error and the other represents the right on X (or upper on Y) error. To define X or Y axis, use "axis" variable. If axis=0, this method will be applied for X, if axis=1, this will be applied for Y. This means the central X,Y values are given by the original P1D, while 2nd level errors on X or Y of the original P1D are given by the differences: central-left and right-central for X or upper-central and central-lower for Y. The statistical errors (1st-level errors) are the same as for the original P1D. In case if it happen that the upper P1D is lower than the central value, it takes absolute value. This method is useful if you need to plot uncertainties associated with a measurement. Note: the method does create new object.
        title - New Title
        axis - axis=0, errors will be set to X (left and right). If axis=1, errors will be set as lower and upper error.
        left - P1D used to build left errors on the central values (in X, when axis=0) or lower error on Y (when axis=1)
        right - P1D used to build right errors on the central values (in X, when axis=0) or upper error on Y (when axis=1)
        Same P1D container with the 2nd-level errors on X or Y given by the differences between the original P1D and left (or right) P1Ds (if axis=0), or upper and lower P1Ds (if axis=1)
      • oper

        public int oper(P1D a,
                        java.lang.String what)
        Operations on P1D container: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Keep the same graphical attributes and the title as for the original container. Note, no new object is created.
        a - Input P1D container
        what - the operation type (+,-,*,/)
        0 if no problems.
      • oper

        public int oper(P1D a,
                        java.lang.String title,
                        java.lang.String what)
        Operations on P1D containers: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Keep the same graphical attributes, They are all applied for "Y", rather than for X. Errors on Y (1st and 2nd) will be propogared assuming independence of the the containers. Only 1st level error (statisticals) are propogared, the second-level errors are the same.
        a - Input P1D container for operation (may contain errors on Y).
        title - New title
        what - String representing the operation:
        "+" add a P1D container to the original;
        "-" subtract a P1D from the original;
        "*" multiply;
        "/" divide by P1D
        error code: 0 means OK
        1: means divistion by zero
        2: error during error evalutaion
      • oper

        public P1D oper(P1D a,
                        java.lang.String title,
                        java.lang.String what,
                        java.lang.String how,
                        P1D corr)
        Operations on P1D containers: add, subtract, multiply, divide. Keep the same graphical attributes. Correlated errors are taken into account via additional P1D data holder which keeps correlation coefficients. The size of this P1D holder should be equal to the original size of P1D.

        This container assumes the dimension 10 (2 X,Y values and 6 errors)

        a - Input P1D container for the operation
        title - New title
        what - String representing the operation: "+" add a P1D to the original; "-" subtract a P1D from the original "*"; multiply "/" divide
        how - how the operation should be performed: "X" - for X values; "Y" - do it for Y values; XY - do for X and Y values. Normally, however, you should do this for the Y option.
        corr - P1D container which keeps correlation coefficients for each point. In most general case, this container should be filled as: add(0,0,x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2,y3,y4), where x1 (left), x2(right), x3(leftSys), x4(rightSys) - coefficients on X y1 (up), y2(down), y3(upSys), x4(downSys) - coefficients on Y. For example, in a simplest case when Y has 1st level (symmetrical statistical) errors and X does not have any, you need just define "corr" by filling it with: add(0,0,0,0,0,0,c,c,0,0), where c is a correlation coefficient. If "Y" values have both statistical and systematic errors, use the correlation P1D holder of the form add(0,0,0,0,0,0,c,c,c1,c2),
        Output P1D container
      • move

        public P1D move(java.lang.String what,
                        java.lang.String how)
        Transform a P1D data holder to some function with error propagation (for both levels)
        what - what operation should be performed: "inverse" - inverse to (1/a); "sqrt" - sqrt(a); "exp" - exp(a); "log" - log10(a); "cos" - cos(a) ;"sin" - sin(a); "tan" - tan(a); "acos" - acos(a); "asin" - asin(a); "atan" - atan(a); "cosh" - cosh(a); "sinh" - sinh(a); "tanh" - tanh(a); "square" - a**2
        how - how the operation should be performed: "X" - for X values; "Y" - do it for Y values; XY - do for X and Y
        transformed P1D object
      • getDataArray

        public jplot.DataArray getDataArray()
        Return a DataArray container from JPlot
        Container of type DataArray
      • add

        public void add(double x,
                        double y)
        Adds values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). All 1st and 2nd level errors on X and Y are assumed to be 0. The dimension of this container is 2 by default.
        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
      • addQuick

        public void addQuick(double x,
                             double y,
                             double err)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). It is assumed that Y-values have 1st level symmetrical errors (i.e. statistical errors). All other errors are set to 0 This point is added at the end of the array.

        This is a fast implementation. Not check of the dimension is done. The dimension of this container should be set to 3 before you use this method.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        err - an error on Y (assume symmetrical)
      • add

        public void add(double x,
                        double y,
                        double err)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). It is assumed that Y-values have 1st level symmetrical errors (i.e. statistical errors). All other errors are set to 0 This point is added at the end of the array.

        This is a slower implementation than addQuick(), since if the dimension is set wrong, it will be adjusted to 3.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        err - an error on Y (assume symmetrical)
      • addQuick

        public void addQuick(double x,
                             double y,
                             double upper,
                             double lower)
        Add values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). The points include upper and lower errors on Y. All other errors are set to 0. This point is added at the end of the array.

        The container should be initialized with dimenstion 4 before using this method. This is a fast implementation without dimension check.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        upper - - upper error on Y
        lower - - lower error on Y
      • add

        public void add(double x,
                        double y,
                        double upper,
                        double lower)
        Add values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). The points include upper and lower errors on Y. All other errors are set to 0. This point is added at the end of the array.

        This is a slower implementation than addQuick(), since if the dimension is set wrong, it will be adjusted to 4.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        upper - - upper error on Y
        lower - - lower error on Y
      • add

        public void add(double x,
                        double y,
                        double left,
                        double right,
                        double upper,
                        double lower)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). It includes upper and lower errors on Y and left and right error on X. 2nd level errors are assumed to be 0. This point is added at the end of the array.

        This is a slower implementation than addQuick(), since if the dimension is set wrong, it will be adjusted to 6.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        left - - left error on X
        right - - right error on X
        upper - - upper error on Y
        lower - - lower error on Y
      • addQuick

        public void addQuick(double x,
                             double y,
                             double left,
                             double right,
                             double upper,
                             double lower)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). It includes upper and lower errors on Y and left and right error on X. 2nd level errors are assumed to be 0. This point is added at the end of the array.

        The container should be initialized with dimenstion 6 before using this method. This is a fast implementation without dimension check.

        x - X-value of the plot-point
        y - Y-value of the plot-point
        left - - left error on X
        right - - right error on X
        upper - - upper error on Y
        lower - - lower error on Y
      • add

        public void add(double x,
                        double y,
                        double left,
                        double right,
                        double upper,
                        double lower,
                        double left_sys,
                        double right_sys,
                        double upper_sys,
                        double lower_sys)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). It includes upper and lower errors on X and Y, including 1st and 2nd level errors (i.e. statistical and systematic). This point is added at the end of the array.

        This is a slower implementation than addQuick(), since if the dimension is set wrong, it will be adjusted to 10.

        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
        left_sys - - error on x (left) - second level, used for systematics
        right_sys - - error on x (right)
        upper_sys - - error on y (upper)
        lower_sys - - error on y (lower)
      • addQuick

        public void addQuick(double x,
                             double y,
                             double left,
                             double right,
                             double upper,
                             double lower,
                             double left_sys,
                             double right_sys,
                             double upper_sys,
                             double lower_sys)
        Adds the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). It includes upper and lower errors on X and Y, including 1st and 2nd level errors (i.e. statistical and systematic). This point is added at the end of the array.

        The container should be initialized with dimenstion 6 before using this method. This is a fast implementation without dimension check.

        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
        left_sys - - error on x (left) - second level, used for systematics
        right_sys - - error on x (right)
        upper_sys - - error on y (upper)
        lower_sys - - error on y (lower)
      • set

        public void set(int i,
                        double x,
                        double y)
        Sets the values of a plot-point pair (X,Y). All errors are assumed to be 0
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
      • set

        public void set(int i,
                        double x,
                        double y,
                        double upper,
                        double lower)
        Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). The dimension of the container should be 4.
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        upper - upper error on y
        lower - lower error on y
      • set

        public void set(int i,
                        double x,
                        double y,
                        double err)
        Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). The dimension of the container should be 3.

        If dimension is wrong, extend it to 3.

        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        err - error on Y (symmetric)
      • set

        public void set(int i,
                        double x,
                        double y,
                        double left,
                        double right,
                        double upper,
                        double lower)
        Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). The dimension must be 6.
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
      • set

        public void set(int i,
                        double x,
                        double y,
                        double left,
                        double right,
                        double upper,
                        double lower,
                        double left_sys,
                        double right_sys,
                        double upper_sys,
                        double lower_sys)
        Sets the values of a plot-point pair (x,y). The dimension must be 10.
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
        left_sys - - error on x (left) - second level, used for systematics
        right_sys - - error on x (right)
        upper_sys - - error on y (upper)
        lower_sys - - error on y (lower)
      • updateSummary

        public void updateSummary()
        Deprecated. Debricated!
        Update summary of the data. This is necessary after using "setQuick" method, since a single setQuickment of a data point does not trigger update of min and max for the data ranges. You do not need to do this if you use "add" or "set" methods.
      • setQuick

        public void setQuick(int i,
                             double x,
                             double y,
                             double left,
                             double right,
                             double upper,
                             double lower,
                             double left_sys,
                             double right_sys,
                             double upper_sys,
                             double lower_sys)
        setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y). After all setQuickments are done, call updateSummary method to get autorange axis values. The dimension must be 10.
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
        left_sys - - error on x (left) - second level, used for systematics
        right_sys - - error on x (right)
        upper_sys - - error on y (upper)
        lower_sys - - error on y (lower)
      • setQuick

        public void setQuick(int i,
                             double x,
                             double y,
                             double left,
                             double right,
                             double upper,
                             double lower)
        setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y). After all setQuickments are done, call updateSummary method to get autorange axis values.

        The dimension must be 6.

        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        left - - error on x (left)
        right - - error on x (right)
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
      • setQuick

        public void setQuick(int i,
                             double x,
                             double y,
                             double upper,
                             double lower)
        setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y). After all setQuickments are done, call updateSummary method to get autorange axis values.

        The dimension must be 4.

        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        upper - - error on y (upper)
        lower - - error on y (lower)
      • setQuick

        public void setQuick(int i,
                             double x,
                             double y,
                             double err)
        setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y). After all setQuickments are done, call updateSummary method to get autorange axis values.

        The dimension must be 3.

        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
        err - - error on y (symmetric)
      • setQuick

        public void setQuick(int i,
                             double x,
                             double y)
        setQuicks the ith value of a plot-point pair (x,y). After all setQuickments are done, call updateSummary method to get autorange axis values.
        i - index of the plot-point
        x - x-value of the plot-point
        y - y-value of the plot-point
      • compareChi2

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> compareChi2(F1D f1)
        Compare data with a function. The comparison tests hypotheses that the data represent identical distribution with a function using Pearson's chi-squared test. The number chi2/ndf gives the estimate (values close to 1 indicates similarity between 2 histograms.). the function and histogram are identical if chi2=0. Chi2/ndf and p-value probability is 1. Maken sure that statistical errors are included correctly. Data with zero errors will be ignored.
        f1 - function to compare to.
        map with the result. It gives Chi2, gives number of degrees of freedom (ndf), probability ("quality", or p-value).
      • compareChi2

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> compareChi2(P1D h2)
        Compare two data sets in X-Y. Comparison of two data sets test hypotheses that two data sets represent identical distributions in 2D. It calculates Chi2 between values in Y taking into account errors on the Y values. The number chi2/ndf gives the estimate (values close to 1 indicates similarity between 2 histograms.) Two P1D are identical if chi2=0. Chi2/ndf can be obtained as output[0]/output[1]. Probability (p-value) is 1.

        Make sure that both P1D have symmetric errors on Y (first level, i.e. obtained with the method getYupper(i) (or set them to small values).

        h2 - second P1D
        the result. It gives Chi2, gives number of degrees of freedom (ndf), and probability ("quality", or p-value).
      • size

        public int size()
        Return the length of the data vector.
        length of the PlotPoint vector
      • getArrayX

        public double[] getArrayX()
        Get array representing X-values
        array with X values
      • copy

        public P1D copy(java.lang.String newtitle)
        create a copy of this container.
        newtitle - new title
      • setXE2left

        public void setXE2left(DoubleArrayList xE2left)
        Set left second-level errors
        xE2left -
      • setXE2right

        public void setXE2right(DoubleArrayList xE2right)
        Set right second-level errors
        xE2right -
      • writeSerialized

        public int writeSerialized(java.lang.String name)
        Write a P0D object to a serialized file
        name - serialized file name for output.
        zero if no errors
      • readSerialized

        public P1D readSerialized(java.lang.String name)
        Read a P1D object from a serialized file
        name - serialized file name for input. Can be URL if starts from http.
        new P1D object
      • read

        public int read( br)
        Read data using 10-column format. Each line corresponds to a new data point.
        br - BufferedReader
        0 if no errors
      • read

        public int read( url)
        Read data from URL. Use a space to separate values in columns and new line to put new data point.
        url - URL location of input file
      • readGZip

        public int readGZip(java.lang.String sfile)
        Read P1D from a GZiped file. It can read URL if the string starts from http or ftp, otherwise a file on the file system is assumed.

        Use a space to separate values in columns and new line to put new row.

        sfile - File name with input (extension .gz)
        zero if success
      • read

        public int read(java.lang.String sfile)
        Read P1D from a file.

        The old content will be lost. The file should contain 2, or 4, or 6, or 10 columns: 1) x,y: data without any errors 2) x,y, y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on Y 3) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on X and Y 4) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower), x(leftSys), x(rightSys), y(upperSys), y(lowerSys) - data with X and Y and 1st and 2nd level errors. Comment lines starting with "#" and "*" are ignored. It can read URL if the string starts from http or ftp, otherwise a file on the file system is assumed.

        sfile - File name with input. If the string starts from http or ftp, otherwise a file on the file system is assumed.
        zero if success
      • readZip

        public int readZip(java.lang.String sfile)
        Read P1D from a Zipped file. The old content will be lost. The file should contain 2, or 4, or 6, or 10 columns: 1) x,y: data without any errors 2) x,y, y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on Y 3) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower) - data with 1st level errors on X and Y 4) x,y, x(left), x(right), y(upper), y(lower), x(leftSys), x(rightSys), y(upperSys), y(lowerSys) - data with X and Y and 1st and 2nd level errors. Comment lines starting with "#" and "*" are ignored.
        sfile - File name with input (extension zip)
        zero if success
      • copy

        public P1D copy()
        Make a new data holder with the same title from the current one.
        new data holder
      • operSmooth

        public P1D operSmooth(int axis,
                              boolean isWeighted,
                              int k)
        Smooth P1D data points in either X or Y.

        It is smoothed by averaging over a moving window of a size specified by the method parameter: if the value of the parameter is k then the width of the window is 2*k + 1. If the window runs off the end of the P1D only those values which intersect the histogram are taken into consideration. The smoothing may optionally be weighted to favor the central value using a "triangular" weighting. For example, for a value of k equal to 2 the central bin would have weight 1/3, the adjacent bins 2/9, and the next adjacent bins 1/9. Errors are kept the same as before.

        axis - axis to which smoothing is applied (axis=0 for X, axis=1 for Y)
        isWeighted - Whether values in X or Y will be weighted using a triangular weighting scheme favoring bins near the central bin.
        k - The smoothing parameter which must be non-negative. If zero, the histogram object will be returned with no smoothing applied.
        A smoothed version of P1D.
      • operSmoothGauss

        public P1D operSmoothGauss(int axis,
                                   double standardDeviation)
        Computes a Gaussian smoothed version of P1D. Smoothing can be done either to X or Y

        Each band of the P1D is smoothed by discrete convolution with a kernel approximating a Gaussian impulse response with the specified standard deviation.

        axis - axis to which smoothing is applied (axis=0 for X, axis=1 for Y)
        standardDeviation - The standard deviation of the Gaussian smoothing kernel which must be non-negative or an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If zero, the P1D object will be returned with no smoothing applied.
        A Gaussian smoothed version of the histogram.
      • getSys

        public P1D getSys(P1D[] p1darray)
        Return P1D array which contains 2nd level errors (or systematic errors) evaluated from an array of P1D data holders. This means that this method returns a P1D , but now it has systematic errors evaluated from the input array. All systematic variations are treated independently and thus are added in quadrature. Use this method for evaluation of systematic uncertainties. This function implies only for Y values.
        p1darray - Input P1D arrays
        output P1D arrays with the same values and systematic errors, but systematic errors are evaluated from the input set of P1D objects
      • combineErr

        public void combineErr(int axis)
        Add 1st and 2nd level in quadrature and attribute the combined error to 1st level error. This is useful to simplify presentation of data, but this certainly not always correct approach. The original object is modified.

        Dimension should be 10.

        axis - is 0 for X errors, 1 for Y errors
      • addAndAverage

        public P1D addAndAverage(P1D[] p1darray)
        Return P1D array with weighted average of several measurements. This is a standard weighted least-squares procedure to combine experimental data with errors. Measurements represented by input P1Ds are assumed to be uncorrelated. Errors in X positions are not affected during averaging. Only 1st and 2nd level errors on Y are used. It is also assumed that upper and lower 1st-level errors on Y have the same size. In case if the are not the same, I average them (and print error!)
        p1darray - Input P1D arrays. They will be added to the original P1D
        ouput P1D arrays with the same values and systematical errors, but systematical errors are evaluated from the input set of P1D objects
      • getArrayXleft

        public double[] getArrayXleft()
        Get array representing X-left errors
        array with X left errors
      • getArrayXright

        public double[] getArrayXright()
        Get array representing X-right errors
        array with X right errors
      • getArrayXrightSys

        public double[] getArrayXrightSys()
        Get array representing X-right 2nd level errors
        array with X right 2nd level errors
      • getArrayXleftSys

        public double[] getArrayXleftSys()
        Get array representing X-left 2nd level errors
        array with X left 2nd level values
      • getArrayY

        public double[] getArrayY()
        Get array representing Y-values
        array with Y values
      • getX

        public double getX(int i)
        Return a specific X-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getXleft

        public double getXleft(int i)
        Return a specific left error on X-value. if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getXright

        public double getXright(int i)
        Return a specific right error on X-value. if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getXleftSys

        public double getXleftSys(int i)
        Return a specific left error on X-value (systematic error). if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getXrightSys

        public double getXrightSys(int i)
        Return a specific right error on X-value (systematic error). if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getY

        public double getY(int i)
        Return a specific Y-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of y at index i
      • getErr

        public double getErr(int i)
        Return (symmetric) error on Y-value. This is equivalent to getYupper(). Errors for Y can be added as add(X,Y,Error).
        i - index of the array
        error value on y at index i
      • getQuickY

        public double getQuickY(int i)
        Return a specific Y-value quickly (no bound check).
        i - index of the array
        the value of y at index i
      • getQuickX

        public double getQuickX(int i)
        Return a specific X-value quickly (no bound check).
        i - index of the array
        the value of x at index i
      • getYupper

        public double getYupper(int i)
        Return a specific upper error on Y-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the upper error on value of y at index i
      • getError

        public double getError(int i)
        Return error (uncertainty) on the Y value. This is equivalent to getYupper(). It is assumed that upperl and lower error is the same.
        i - index of the array
        error on value of Y at index i
      • getYlower

        public double getYlower(int i)
        Return a specific lower error on Y-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of y at index i
      • getArrayYlower

        public double[] getArrayYlower()
        Get array representing Y lower errors
        array with Y lower error
      • getArrayYlowerSys

        public double[] getArrayYlowerSys()
        Get array representing Y lower 2nd level errors
        array with Y lower 2nd level error
      • getYupperSys

        public double getYupperSys(int i)
        Return a specific systematical upper error on Y-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of y at index i
      • getArrayYupper

        public double[] getArrayYupper()
        Get array representing Y upper errors
        array with Y upper error
      • getArrayErr

        public double[] getArrayErr()
        Get array representing (symmetric) error on Y. This is equivalent to getArrayYupper().
        array with errors on the Y values.
      • dimension

        public int dimension()
        Returns the dimension of this P1D holder. The convention is: 2: only x and y 3: x,y and symmetrical stat error on y 4: only x, y, y(up), y(down) 6: only x, y, x(up), x(down) y(up), y(down) > the rest
        dimension of the P1D
      • getDimension

        public int getDimension()
        Returns the dimension of this P1D holder. The convention is: 2: only x and y 3: x,y and symmetrical stat error on y 4: only x, y, y(up), y(down) 6: only x, y, x(up), x(down) y(up), y(down) > the rest
        dimension of the P1D
      • getYlowerSys

        public double getYlowerSys(int i)
        Return a specific total lower error on Y-value. This function returns POSINF (1e300) if index i falls beyond the valid range.
        i - index of the array
        the value of y at index i
      • getArrayYupperSys

        public double[] getArrayYupperSys()
        Get array representing Y upper 2nd level errors
        array with Y upper 2nd level error
      • getIDataPointSet

        public IDataPointSet getIDataPointSet()
        Get IDataPointSet. If systematical errors included, they are added in quadrature with statistical errors.
        IDataPointSet made of P1D
      • fillIDataPointSet

        public void fillIDataPointSet(IDataPointSet fDps2D)
        Fill IDataPointSet. If systematical errors included, they are added in quadrature with statistical errors.
      • getMax

        public double getMax(int axis)
        Returns the maximum value in the range.
        axis - defines to which axis this function applies (0=X; 1=Y);
        the maximum value.
      • getMaxIndex

        public int getMaxIndex(int axis)
        Returns the index of maximum value in the range.
        axis - defines to which axis this function applies (0=X; 1=Y);
        index of maximum value.
      • getMin

        public double getMin(int axis)
        Returns the minimum value in the range. Careful, no error checking on the value of axis, which should be less than N_AXES, defined in GraphSettings.
        axis - defines to which axis this function applies (0=X; 1=Y);
        the minimum value.
      • getMinIndex

        public int getMinIndex(int axis)
        Returns the index of minimum value in the range.
        axis - defines to which axis this function applies (0=X; 1=Y);
        index of maximum value.
      • removeAt

        public void removeAt(int index)
        Remove a (X,Y) value at a given index
        index - index
      • range

        public P1D range(int IndexMin,
                         int IndexMax)
        Obtain a new PD1 in the range between Min and Max indexes. Min and Max are included. All errors will be copied to a new P1D. For example, getRange(2,2) will return a P1D at index=2 (only one point with errors).
        IndexMin - Min index
        IndexMax - Max index
        a new P1D with the value in the range.
      • derivative

        public P1D derivative()
        Calculate derivative for X-Y data points. It is used to express how fast a Y-values are changing, and are therefore related, mathematically, to the slope of a line. It is calculate as: getY(i+1)-getY(i) / getX(i+1)-getX(i), assuming that all points are ordered in X. For a series of data X-Y points, you can join each pair of adjacent points with a straight line and a slope can be associated with each such line segment.

        Data points can have errors (statistical), with upper and lower error on Y (dimen=4). Statistical uncertainties on Y are propagated and included into the final P1D with derivatives. Second-level errors are ignored.

        a new P1D with derivative in each data point.
      • rangeCut

        public P1D rangeCut(int axis,
                            double Min,
                            double Max)
        Construct P1D removing a range of values defined by Min and Max. All errors will be copied to a new P1D. TMin and max are included in the final output.
        axis - if axis=0, applied for X, if axis=1, applied for Y.
        Min - Min value
        Max - Max value
        a new P1D
      • sort

        public void sort(int axis)
        Sorting the original array using either X or Y values. The sorting done in increasing order. We use exchange sort method. Currently supports dimensions 2 (X-Y), 3 (X-Y,errror on Y), 4 (X-Y, errors upper and lower on Y).
        axis - if axis=0, sorting applied for X, if axis=1, sorting is applied for Y.
      • integral

        public double integral(int IndexMin,
                               int IndexMax)
        Integrate P1D between two indices (between 1 and max index)
        IndexMin - Min minimal index for integration starting from 1 (included to integration)
        IndexMax - Max maximal index for integration (included to integration)
        integral (sum of all Y-values)
      • integral

        public double integral()
        Integrate P1D (sum up all Y values)
        integral (sum of all Y-values)
      • varianceX

        public double varianceX()
        Returns variance for X-values. This is a measure of how far a set of numbers are spread out from each other.
        variance for X values
      • stddeviationX

        public double stddeviationX()
        Standard deviation of values X.
        standard deviation of values X
      • stddeviationY

        public double stddeviationY()
        Standard deviation of values Y.
        standard deviation of values Y
      • varianceY

        public double varianceY()
        Returns variance for Y-values. This is a measure of how far a set of numbers are spread out from each other.
        variance for Y values
      • rmsX

        public double rmsX()
        Returns RMS for X-values. It represents a root-mean-square (sometimes called the quadratic mean), is the square root of mean of the values x_i^2,
        RMS for X
      • rmsY

        public double rmsY()
        Returns RMS for Y-values. It represents a root-mean-square (sometimes called the quadratic mean), is the square root of mean of the values x_i^2,
        RMS for Y
      • meanX

        public double meanX()
        Returns the mean value in X.
        Mean value in X
      • meanXerror

        public double meanXerror()
        Returns the standard error of the mean values for X. This is (standard deviation)/sqrt(size).
        standard error of the mean values for X
      • meanYerror

        public double meanYerror()
        Returns the standard error of the mean values for Y. This is (standard deviation)/sqrt(size).
        standard error of the mean values for X
      • getStat

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Double> getStat(int axis)
        Get complete statistics for this container for a given axis. It return mean, error on the mean, RMS, variance, standard deviation.

        The key for the output map are: mean, error, rms, variance, stddev .

        axis - axis=0 for X and axis=1 for Y
        map representing statistics
      • meanY

        public double meanY()
        Returns the mean value in Y.
        Mean value in Y
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear the container.
      • toTable

        public void toTable()
        Show in a Table in a separate Frame. The numbers are formatted to scientific format. One can sort and search the data in this table (but not modify)
      • fill

        public void fill(double[] xa,
                         double[] ya)
        Fill a P1D container from 2 arrays. If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all errors are zero.
        xa - array with X values
        ya - array with Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(int[] xa,
                         int[] ya)
        Fill a P1D container from 2 integer arrays. If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all errors are zero.
        xa - integer array with X values
        ya - integer array with Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(P0D xa,
                         P0D ya)
        Fill a P1D container from 2 P0D arrays. If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all errors are zero.
        xa - P0D with X values
        ya - P0D with Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(Cloud2D c2d)
        Fill a P1D container from a Cloud2D.
        c2D - input Cloud
      • getXval

        public DoubleArrayList getXval()
        Get array of X values;
      • getYval

        public DoubleArrayList getYval()
        Get array of Y values;
      • getXE1left

        public DoubleArrayList getXE1left()
        Left error on X (1st level)
      • getXE2left

        public DoubleArrayList getXE2left()
        Left error on X (2nd level)
      • getXE1right

        public DoubleArrayList getXE1right()
        Right eroor on X
      • getXE2right

        public DoubleArrayList getXE2right()
        Right error (2nd level) on X
      • getYE1down

        public DoubleArrayList getYE1down()
        Down error on Y (1st level)
      • getYE1upper

        public DoubleArrayList getYE1upper()
        Upper error on Y (1st level)
      • getYE2down

        public DoubleArrayList getYE2down()
        Down error on Y (2nd level)
      • getYE2upper

        public DoubleArrayList getYE2upper()
        Upper error on Y (2nd level)
      • setXE1left

        public void setXE1left(DoubleArrayList xE1left)
        Error on X left.Statistical error.
        xE1left - left statistical error.
      • setXval

        public void setXval(DoubleArrayList X)
        Set X values as array
        array - with X values
      • setXE1right

        public void setXE1right(DoubleArrayList xE1right)
        Error on X. right error (1st level).
        xE1right -
      • setYE1down

        public void setYE1down(DoubleArrayList yE1down)
        Set statististical down error
        yE1down - down error
      • setYE1upper

        public void setYE1upper(DoubleArrayList yE1upper)
        Set statistical error on Y 91st level)
        yE1upper - upper error on Y
      • setYE2down

        public void setYE2down(DoubleArrayList yE2down)
        Set second level down error on Y
        yE2down - error on Y down (2nd level)
      • setYE2upper

        public void setYE2upper(DoubleArrayList yE2upper)
        Set second level upper error on Y
        yE2upper - upper error on Y
      • setYval

        public void setYval(DoubleArrayList yval)
        Set Y values
        yval - Y value
      • fill

        public void fill(double[] xa,
                         double[] ya,
                         double[] yerror)
        Fill a P1D container from 3 arrays (one represents symmetrical errors on Y). If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all other errors are zero. Arrays must be of the same size.
        xa - array with X values
        ya - array with Y values
        yerror - array with errors on Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(P0D xa,
                         P0D ya,
                         P0D yerror)
        Fill a P1D container from P0D arrays (one represents symmetrical errors on Y). If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all other errors are zero. Arrays must be of the same size.
        xa - P0D array with X values
        ya - P0D array with Y values
        yerror - P0D array with errors on Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(double[] xa,
                         double[] ya,
                         double[] yupper,
                         double[] ylower)
        Fill a P1D container from 4 arrays (last represents asymmetrical upper and lower errors on Y). If it is not empty, add values will be appended. It is assumed that all other errors are zero. All arrays must be of the same size.
        xa - array with X values
        ya - array with Y values
        yupper - array with upper errors on Y values
        ylower - array with upper errors on Y values
      • fill

        public void fill(double[] x,
                         double[] y,
                         double[] left,
                         double[] right,
                         double[] upper,
                         double[] lower,
                         double[] left_sys,
                         double[] right_sys,
                         double[] upper_sys,
                         double[] lower_sys)
        Fill the values of a X-Y plot-points with full errors. It includes upper and lower errors on X and Y, including 1st and 2nd level errors (i.e. statistical and systematic). All arrays must be of the same size.
        x - array of x-value of the plot-point
        y - array of y-value of the plot-point
        left - - array of error on x (left)
        right - - array of error on x (right)
        upper - - array of error on y (upper)
        lower - - array of error on y (lower)
        left_sys - - array of error on x (left) - second level, used for systematics
        right_sys - - array of error on x (right)
        upper_sys - - array of error on y (upper)
        lower_sys - - array of error on y (lower)
      • setArrayX

        public void setArrayX(double[] x)
        Set array at once
        x - X-values
      • setArrayY

        public void setArrayY(double[] y)
        Set array at once
        x - Y-values
      • doc

        public void doc()
        Show online documentation.

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